Settling In

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Nedzu, of course, took care of all the necessities for the family, the Fukuyama family. They no longer had to go by Todoroki since the trash receptacle himself was no longer their puppet master.

Nedzu helped Rei take the cold traditional house and sell it for a warm, modern home for them. Nedzu recommended one four bedroom apartment that was in the same protective building that he lived in, just a few floors down. It was more welcoming than the other house, and it would allow for Nedzu to watch over them while keeping a distance.

And now with their recent move...

"Catch me if you can!" Izuku yelled out in excitement as he raced past his father.

"Okay!" Shoto called out after him, running to catch up with the speedy toddler.

It allowed the two families to come together for play dates whenever.

Rei laughed as she watched her youngest run after his friend, "Be careful, Shoto!"

"I will, Mama!" Shoto exclaimed with his hand outstretched to almost catch his friend.

"I'm quite delighted to see how this situation turned out." Nedzu said with a smile on his face, sipping the tea Ms. Fukuyama made. "This is delicious." He complimented her.

"Thank you." She replied with her own gentle smile, her hair getting braided by her daughter, Fuyumi.

"Hey." Touya greeted, standing next to the principal.

"Yes?" Nedzu asked.

Touya breathed out before grinning, "Thanks. You are the first and only person to help us out. I figured no one would listen since he was a pro hero, but you did. You helped me and my family get out of there."

"No need to thank me, that is what real heroes do." Nedzu responded, emphasizing the 'real'. "And besides, you acted as your own family's hero too."

"Really how?" Touya asked, turning around for a moment to see his little brother running behind him.

"You approached me to talk about your situation. It takes a lot of guts to actually stand up and protect. I had a suspicion, but it wasn't confirmed until after you confronted me on it. You should be proud of the true heroism you showed to protect your family." Nedzu explained as he watched his son hide from the young Shoto behind a tree before scaring him by peeking his head out.

Touya coughed, trying to draw attention away to his cheeks going red at the praise. "Thank you."

Nedzu smiled almost fondly at the young teen, "You are welcome."

"Got ya, Shou-Chan!" Izuku said loudly, hugging his friend around the waist.

"Ah." Shouto sighed when Izuku hugged him, blushing at the affection of his best friend. "You did."

"All right! Hug time!" Natsuo shouted, ganging up in the two younger boys to hug them tight to him in excitement.

"Oh?" Fuyumi mumbled before walking fast to them hug, joining the warm comfort.

"Yay! Group hug!" Izuku shouted in glee, waving down Touya and Rei to join the hug. The two looked at each other and shrugged, they couldn't say no to the little guy. While they approached Izuku looked at his dad. "Come on Papa!"

"Oh, alright, little mouse." Nedzu responded, traveling through the grass to join the hug that his son had initiated.


"Hey mom?" Touya asked, approaching his mother who was in the kitchen, chopping up ingredients for a soup she was preparing.

His mother glanced over to him, pausing in her chopping. "Yes, Touya?"

Touya breathed out and asked, "Can I get my hair dyed? I just don't want to look like him, it's bad enough that my

"Shush. There is nothing wrong with you or you quirk, honey. You quirk is very strong." Rei responded

"But I keep hurting myself because my body can handle it." Touya agrued back.

"Then, Nedzu can possibly help us contact someone to help your body get used to the flames. Or make your body more accustomed to it. I'm sure we can find a way to work around that." Rei explained, taking a knife and chopping up the last small pepper for the dinner she was making.

"That doesn't help that I look like his replica—," Touya started to say before his mother shook her head in disagreement,

Rei interrupted him by grasping his shoulders gently. "You don't. You look like my son. If you want your hair dyed, I have no problem with it.

"Really?" Touya asked, moving his hand to touch his fiery red hair.

"Yes, really. But you have to wait for piercings until you are well into high school, mister." Rei wagged her finger with a smile

Touya laughed at that rule of piercings and nodded, "Thanks mom." Touya replied gratefully, allowing himself to be pulled into a hug by his mother. They both swayed in the embrace in the middle of the kitchen. For once, he didn't feel cold at the atmosphere or the burning sensation through his body. He just felt his mother's warmth.

This is what he was missing his life in that forsaken house.


"I love this bed! It's so comfy! And this pillow! Oh, it's so soft!" Natsuo said, admiring his own room with Fuyumi sitting in his desk watching him gush over everything.

"I'm glad." Fuyumi smiled.

Natsuo tilted his head, "You're glad that our beds are comfy?"

She laughed at his question, "Well, yes. And that all of us are safe."

"Yeah. Me too. Now we can play with each other whenever we want. No more training, no more staying up in our rooms all day, and no more boredom! We can all have fun!" Natsuo explained with his eyes shining in happiness. "We can finally have a family game night or a movie night! Like happy normal families do."

"Yeah. We can. And nothing can stop us from doing that." Fuyumi said making her brother cheer. She laughed at his outgoing behavior before they both got called down for dinner.


Shoto ate his soup happily swinging his legs from his high seated chair.

He just finished a play date with Izuku and he was absolutely starving for his mother's home cooked meal.

The family ate together with chatter around the table about everyone's day in the comfortable apartment while Shoto focused on the yummy food.

"Hey, mom?" Fuyumi asked.

"Yes?" Rei answered back.

Natsuo smiled, "Can we watch a movie tonight?"

Rei thought about it while she answered back, "We can. But I don't know where will find a movie to rent. I don't have any movies for the television.."

Knock knock.

Rei looked back towards the front door. She wondered who that might be before peeking through the peephole. She was surprised to see Nedzu and Izuku standing outside with something in their hands.

"Hello?" She asked, opening the door.

"I believe it is movie night?" Nedzu asked holding hands with an excited Izuku.

"Movie!" Izuku cheered with some of his favorite animated movies in his hands.

"Oh well. Would you look at that?" She whispered, letting the two into her new home. She was locking the door when she heard the excited cheers from her children. She smiled before turning around.

She was so glad everything turned out okay.

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