Kiyashi Shopping Mall Interview

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"OH. Good." All Might stuttered in his response, throwing up a thumbs up to him. Then he sighed, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "Thank goodness."

All Might was more relieved than saddened when he told him about his plan that he concocted during the exam. It was a backup plan since the original plan with Bakugo went awry very quickly. But did lead him to success.

And he was glad that most of the class made it out as well from their exams. Aoyama was gushing about Uraraka so much about her moves against 13 in their shared exam. And Jirou talked about how cool Koda was in their battle against Present Mic which made the shy boy blush and wave away her compliments.

Most of the class communicated on the group chat on how well they think they did and commenting on funny things that happened during their exam. Like Shinso having to drag Sero out of their exam with Midnight since he immediately dropped.

His friends made it out easy with their partners. Tenya had Ojiro who he worked very well with and even planned a meet up with him at a park to train together. And Shoto worked with Momo who had a massive boost in self confidence in her ideas. So now Shoto was invited to a future tea party.

The only ones who weren't happy were Kaminari, Ashido, Kirishima, and Rikido since they failed their exams.

The day after their exams, their expressions were crestfallen when Aizawa was announcing the field trip in their homeroom period. The sad looks melted away once his uncle said they would come along, but they had to take remedial classes during part of it.

Near the end of homeroom, almost everyone in the classroom was already talking about what to do and what to plan out for the training summer camp.

"You know what?" Ashido raised her voice to get everyone's attention. She had a wide grin stretched across her face. "I think we should all plan an outing at the mall. That way we can all get our supplies for it and hang out together!"

"That sounds awesome!" Hagakure agreed easily, jumping up from her seat. A hair clip bounced in the air above her uniform. "What time should we do it?"

"Hey, is everyone free this weekend?" Ashido called out, pointing out classmates who started to say or murmur their agreements.

"Hell yeah!" Kirishima yelled out to Ashido who gladly returned his excitement with a hushed 'yes' as she pumped up her fist. The red haired teen turned to the spiky blonde near the front of the class. "Bakubro? Are you coming?"

Bakugo clinked his tongue. "I have every damn thing I need back at my house."

Izuku hummed. He remembered seeing a picture of Bakugo near a mountain range when he visited his house that time. And his parents did say something about hiking, so it is very possible to make the assumption that the blonde had enough materials at his house.

Either that or he just didn't want to hang out in a big group.

He glanced at Tenya and Shoto who caught his eye and gave him a nod to communicate over the loud conversation happening all around them.

Uraraka was asking about what they would definitely need. Kaminari was questioning if he even needed to get batteries or pack chargers since he was electricity. Ojiro was saying something about bringing bug spray and more which made Koda nod frantically at his words. Jiro kept talking about making a playlist for the road trip there which all the girls jumped on to text them the link to.

The conversation dwindled as most of the class started to quietly text through the group chat right before the bell rang.

"I'll start making a list and share it with you two so we can determine what items we need for the summer camp." Tenya said, pushing his glasses up as he passed under the doorway leading out into the hallway. He turned to them with a gaze of determination. "I am sure we have some needed items already, but we could be in need of bug spray and other necessities."

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