Only Shoto Could Prevent Forest Fires... so Why is it Still Burning?

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The following day he had no time to try and get some herbs in the forest.

Instead, it was exactly the same as the day before with the amount of training he and the other students had to do. He was back to brain numbing music distractions and physical training while keeping his mind sharp during it all.

Overall, it was basically the same day as the day before.

Yet it felt different in a way he could not describe. Maybe it was due to the fact he woke up with a queasy stomach after scarfing down a chocolate covered marshmallow treat in the middle of the night. Or maybe it was because the sweet snack was swiftly followed by the cheese Aoyama gave him after the blonde came back from the bathroom area.

Or it could have been the side swipe punch that Shoto delivered to his abdomen when he unconsciously scooted closer to his cot in the middle of the night.

Either way, something was churning inside his gut that set his nerves on edge through most of the day. Izuku grinded his teeth together as he looked around the forest area. There was no visible danger and there were heroes on the scene that would help if anything were to happen...

The last time he felt something like this was right before the USJ. Was something happening where he couldn't see?

No, that must not be it. Izuku shook his head. It must be the never ending training putting his nerves on edge. The training was very overwhelming so it must be causing some sort of effect in his brain.

Yet the feeling rumbling in his gut did not fade away before, during or after the third day of the training camp.

So during dinner, he snuck away from the rest of the take to approach Mandalay who was surveying the students. She looked up when he approached and he could have sworn that the cat ears on her head perked up. But it could have been the movement of her head.

"Hey, Auntie Mandalay," Izuku greeted casually, hiding the unsureness pretty well given the fact that the hero did not suspect that anything was amiss at least from where he was looking.

Mandalay hummed, giving him a calming smile, "What's up, cat?"

"This could be weird to say but can you make sure the team stays close to the camp to patrol the area." His request made Mandalay tilt her head a little likely in confused caution from the expression growing on her face. "I've been having a weird feeling since I woke up which might be nothing but I... don't know."

Whatever expression that his aunt was making was wiped away to show off a reassuring grin that he often saw heroes give to regular citizens. "No harm in double checking." She winked at that statement. "I'll make sure everyone keeps an eye out." She bent down a bit and laid a hand on the top of his curls. If any of us see anything suspicious, we'll start the evacuation plan." Mandalay promised.

"Right," Izuku felt a bit better from her promising words. But there was still something stuck in his throat. He coughed. Maybe it was just allergies with the pollen? They were outside most of the day during this training camp. It could be he is just having a reaction. "Thank you."

"No problem." Mandalay's voice was soft as her hand nudged him forward towards the picnic tables where his class was eating fiercely. "Now head back to your friends before your dinner gets cold or someone else eats it."

Izuku nodded and separated himself from the pro hero to rejoin the table. He looked around the area and frowned when he couldn't spot Kota. He guessed the kid was back at the cave again sulking, but he just hoped that Kota took some food with him this time.

He settled back into his seat with a thump which made both Shoto and Tenya look towards him. "Are you alright?" Tenya asked.

Izuku waved off their worries while he scooted in to get closer to the table. His plate of mouthwater food was right in front of him just waiting. "I'm fine."

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