Sports Festival: Battle Rounds!

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"HEYY! Welcome to the third round of the UA Sports Festival!"

"The pairs have been selected during the break," Midnight announced as a large screen behind her displayed the incoming rounds. "The pairs will go up against each other in battle until one is victorious. If they are pushed out of bounds, surrender, or can no longer fight, they lose the battle and their opponent will win."

The screen displayed all the students that made it through paired up against random students.

"Who the hell is Uraraka?" Bakugo said out loud mostly to himself while gazing at the screen with an irritated and confused look on his face. And Izuku could pinpoint the exact time to the second of how fast Uraraka whipped her head around to stare at him.

"Hey, Izuku?" Hatsume jogged up from behind him while everyone was still staring the the screen above them. "Since we are up against each other... would you mind wearing some of my support items? You know... to level out the playing field?"

Izuku raised his eyebrow, thinking about what she could gain from their battle if he wore the items she made. Then he asked, "Do you want me to show off your support items to the investors?"

"Of course I do," Hatsume smiled, confirming what he was thinking.

"The first round is Hatsume Mei and Midoriya Izuku," Midnight announced, gesturing at the board. "The round will begin in a few minutes. Until then, all opponents will return to the designated waiting rooms until it is their time to battle."

"Well then," Izuku grinned. "I'll be happy to be your model."


"With an explosive introduction in the obstacle course, he draws everyone's attention! From the Hero course, Midoriya Izuku!"

"And with an amazing show of talent during the obstacle course, she will draw in everyone's need for support items! From the support course, Hatsume Mei!"

As Izuku walked out in braces around his legs, Midnight called out loudly from her spot in the middle of the battle area, "Those who must use equipment need to petition beforehand. And that is not your requested equipment."

"Yes, I know. Hatsume requested for me to put on this for the round. I am just doing what she told me," Izuku answered back o her with an honest smile. "She wants to have an equal fair fight since she will be using equipment as well. Is that alright?"

"Alright, I'll allow it!" Midnight announced, pointing her whip at him.

Izuku uses this time to look back at Mei who is pulling down a microphone to her mouth. He takes his que and started running as soon as Midnight started the round

As far as he can remember from what she told him about the inventions, he just needs to model them right to show off their functions. The leg parts should help him run and keep him from falling.

"See how fast you're moving, Green?! Those leg parts I designed are helping the wearer's movements along."

'Just like I thought!' Izuku rushed towards her as the leg brace item increased his speed.

"And I can—," Hatsume paused and watched as he raced towards her with an added boost of speed from the leg parts adding stability to his run. She dodged out of the way from two long attachments extended out from her jet pack. "Easily evade with my hydraulic attachments!"

While in the air, Izuku went out of his way to try and fall only for his movements to be improved to a point where he could not fall down casually.

"As you can see before you, the upauto balancer is equipped with a 32-axis gyro sensor! It will be sure to keep the wearer from falling unless the wearer wants to!" Hatsume narrated as Izuku continued to show off the balancer by running and leaning to the side only to never fall to the side. Izuku did every dramatic move he could do which made the audience clap at his eccentric movements.

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