Quick Halloween Special

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It all happened when Izuku was only seven years old. Nedzu had scheduled out the entire night of Halloween for the children to trick and treat safely just like normally.

Izuku had decided to dress up as his father for Halloween since he found it funny just how so many people were scared of his father.

Shoto was dressed in a Peter Pan costume complete with a green cap on red and white hair. Iida had a cardboard box around him with multiple colored buttons drawn in marker. Fuyumi was dressed as a fairy with fake wings and pastel colored dress that flowed to her ankles.

Natsuo had just drawn a pair of whiskers on his cat and put a cat ear headband on. He was dressed in all gray to pretend he was a grey tabby cat. Touya has drawn scales along his face and had leathery-like black wings. He told everyone he was dressed as a dragon.

Nedzu was guiding them on their regular trick or treating route when Izuku had accidentally bumped into someone. When suddenly a bright flash from the small impact consumed the trick and treating group.

Nedzu blinked and watched as the teen started to run after he bumped into them.  He turned back around only to feel his fur standing on edge at seeing what happened to the group. The teen's quirk wasn't some random light, it turned the group into what they were dressed as.

Touya stood over all of them, taller than a house on four legs. His scaled snout looked around in a frenzy with smoke leaking out his nostrils. Touya growled in the air, making a lot of the children around them scared.

A cat meowed by Nedzu's feet. He looked down to see a familiar looking grey tabby and simultaneously noticed how Natsuo wasn't around.

"Touya?! Natsuo? What's happening?" A high pitched sound questioned. Fuyumi appeared in his sight except she was as small as a hummingbird with wings fluttering behind her.

"I do not appreciate this," Iida's voice said with a robotic undertone to his words. Iida looked like a silver robot from space with colored buttons on his chest. He stiffly walked forward like he had no flexibility in his joints. Nedzu looked down to see that he still had his engines on his calf.

Peter Pan Shoto turned in the air to see his shadow trying to run away from him, "Oh no. My shadow! It's escaping!"

Iida waddled towards him to attempt and help his friend keep his shadow under control. Natsuo trotted up to them and launched himself on Shoto's back to grab onto the living shadow.


Nedzu's eyes furrowed at the weird tone that sounded very familiar to his own voice. Slowly, he looked towards his own son to see himself staring back at him except his clone's fur was a light green that matched his son's hair. "I think we might need some help."

Nedzu nodded back at his son, surveying him from head to toe. The quirk really turned his son into a version of him. He pulled out his phone and called someone he knew would come as quickly as they could.

"Eraserhead? Yes, I need your assistance with something," Nedzu said into the cellphone. "The children have been turned into their costumes from a quirk."

"Hello, Uncle Eraser!" Izuku said using Nedzu's familiar tone of voice.

"Hmm? Yes, that was Izuku. Indeed, he was dressed like me when the quirk hit him. Yes. Ah, see you then," Nedzu replied with a smile. He turned to the transformed children. "He'll be here right away."

Touya exhaled another plume of smoke from his nose causing Fuyumi to shriek as her tiny form was covered in ash.


Eraserhead arrived shortly after to help, freezing at the sight of two Nedzus staring back at him. His attention was briefly on Natsuo since he was a cat before calling in the police to help track down the person responsible.

Luckily, officers were on duty for Halloween night for any tricks that anyone could pull. So within half an hour, the teen responsible was captured and brought to Eraserhead so they could deactivate the quirk.

Before they did though, Nedzu made Eraserhead take a picture of all of them transformed to remember the infamous night.

The teen got in trouble of course, but not for anything major since they didn't mean any harm to the trick they pulled since the transformation was only temporary and didn't cause any damage to them at all.

With Eraserhead's stare, the children were back to their human forms. Touya was on all fours when the smoke cleared, making him shoot straight up. Fuyumi sighed in relief once her wings became fake again.

Natsuo yawned and scratched his head," Ah, finally back to my old self."

Izuku tilted his head when he noticed his friend clenching onto the sides of his box. "Iida? Are you okay?"

"I don't want to be a robot anymore," Iida looked sadly down at the box around him. Shoto patted his back to comfort him while Izuku frowned down at the robot costume. Swiftly, Touya pulled out a sharpie out of his jacket which drew the attention of his siblings towards him.

"I can fix that," Touya added.

"Touya," Fuyumi raised her brow. "Why do you have a marker on you?"

Touya held a finger to his lips, "That's a secret."

"Must be for marker mustaches," Natsuo whispered to his sister.

"Shut it or else you are getting the first one of the night," Touya threatens quietly before walking up to the blue haired boy with his marker.

Touya flipped the box around and started to draw on the box. "How about a race car since you go so fast? That sound good?"

Iida nodded with a grin while Touya got to work changing his costume while Shoto kept turning around to look at his own shadow to make sure it was still there.

"Thank you, Uncle Zawa," Izuku thanked the pro hero who turned around to face his nephew. He was dressed in his regular hero costume except his pants were gray instead of the regular black shade he wore. He must have been in a rush once he heard what had happened.

"No problem, kid. I better get back soon," Aizawa replied, ruffling his hand through Izuku's normal curls. He waved goodbye to the group, "Have a fun night."

"Bye, Uncle Zawa," Shoto, Izuku and Iida yelled back in tantrum as Touya finished up the new look on the cardboard box.

With a last flick of the marker, Touya capped it. "Ta-Da. Now you are a race car."

"Ingenium Racing, number 002," Shoto read aloud as Iida admired the drawn artwork on his new and improved costume. It had two circle headlights on either side with lines indicating the front of the car. It even had a bumper drawn near the bottom.

Iida's eyes sparkled behind his glasses, "Thank you!"

"No need to thank me," Touya said, messing up Iida's combed hair with his hand. Iida protested his hair being tangled up while Touya stood up. "Now then, back to the candy."

Nedzu walked back from the policemen who took his statement. "Yes, now thanks over with. We can continue our night of pleasantries."

"Yes!" Natsuo cheered with both of his hands thrusted into the air. "I wanna get more popcorn balls."

Fuyumi turned to her brother, the sparkles and gems on her face sparkling in the nighttime lights, "You know you can have mine, Natsuo."

"Yeah, but I crave more, 'Yumi," Natsuo pouted as they began to walk behind Nedzu once again with the smaller children in front of them.

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