First Steps

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Nedzu realized that Izuku doesn't really have any friends his own age. The only friends he has are his stuffed animals and his family.

So, Nedzu, the great father that he is, decides that it is time for Izuku to make a friend his own age. And who better for the job than Tensei's younger brother. And that is what led to the moment of Tensei leaving his office very happily after agreeing to a play date. Apparently, Tenya didn't have many friends his own age either, so this union might make the two friends.

Nedzu looked over to Izuku who was wearing a short-sleeved black shirt with red shorts. The black shirt had a design of one of the top ten heroes at that moment. And on his feet were bright white shoes that lit up every time he took a step. The shoes were Izuku's favorite thing at the moment since he couldn't stop staring down at them, stomping his feet to cause them to light up again.

Nedzu hopes the playdate this weekend goes smoothly.


"Oh, I am all on this. Izuku's first play date? Count me the hell in," Nemuri stated proudly, downing her drink in one go.

"Alright," Tensei chuckled. "Hey, do you guys want to come to?"

"We can't," Hizashi announced to the table before slamming his head down on the table.

Aizawa explained, "We have to work on a project on hero history. We are supposed to do research on heroes from about 100 years ago or so that made an impact on society in some way. But we have to get all our sources this weekend."

"And it is ridiculously hard to actually find someone that someone in the class isn't doing," Hizashi groaned out with his face still smushed against the table.

"Relax, Hizashi," Aizawa said. He turns his attention to the other two, "I want as many pictures and videos as you can get."

"Roger that," Nemuri saluted while Hizashi was slowly starting to rise his head from the table because of Aizawa's grip on his hair.


Sunday seemed like it showed up so fast. Aizawa and Yamada were away at a public library scouring the computers and books to find any hero they could find. While Nemuri was led into Nedzu's apartment with Tensei and his brother right behind her. Nedzu guides the two inside where they saw Izuku laying on the floor in the living room with a coloring book set in front of him.

Izuku looked up to see his aunt and uncle visiting.

"What're doing, bud?"

"Color!" Izuku replied loudly, showing the bright colors that the marker had left all over his hands. Nemuri giggled at the small mess he had on his hands. Tensei's little brother peeking out from behind his older brother's leg.

Izuku's attention drifted to Tenya who was still hiding behind his brother's leg. Izuku reached out his hand and waved at the other small boy.

Tenya's eyes brightened up and he waved right back at the other boy. "Tenya, this is Izuku. Izuku, this is my little brother Tenya."

"Hi hi," Izuku greeted.

"Hello," Tenya replied back while his brother guided him to Izuku. Tenya reaches out his hand towards the other boy before Izuku pulled him into a welcoming hug. Tenya froze up momentarily before he relaxed into the hug.

Meanwhile, Nemuri was taking a video of the whole thing since it was the most adorable meeting. "Aizawa and Yamada are going to be so jealous."

"I know, right?" Tensei whispered back to her.

Izuku is wearing a white shirt with a red bow tie decal on his neckline. He was wearing his favorite light-up shoes which he was now showing to Tenya excitedly.

Tensei backs off, allowing the two to sit together as Izuku introduces Tenya to his coloring book as well as his markers. Tenya picks up a blue marker and starts to draw on one page as Izuku scribbles on the other. Nemuri sits on the couch to watch the television as the two kids colored. Tensei sits on the other side of the couch, watching them draw calmly while Nedzu was working on school-related stuff for tomorrow behind them.

It wasn't long before Tensei started to watch the television with Nemuri while Izuku continued coloring with Tenya. Izuku then felt a sudden urge to show Tenya his favorite octopus toy with all of the knitted arms. He looked around to see where he left it to find it laying over the chair next to the couch

"Be back," Izuku whispered with a promise to Tenya who looked confused. Izuku started to crawl towards his toy before realizing that his toy was laying on top of the chair. He furrowed his brow, trying to reach for one of the knitted arms hanging down.

Nemuri glanced over to the play area to find Izuku wasn't there and was near her instead. "Tensei, look."

Tensei looked to where Nemuri pointed to see Izuku trying to stand up. Nemuri quickly took out her phone o start recording a video while Nedzu came around the couch to get a closer look. The three didn't dare to stop Izuku as he started to stand up on his little legs.

"Come on, squirt," Tensei encouraged while Tenya was watching his friend.

Izuku used the chair as something to lean on while he grabbed his toy from the top of the chair. He stumbled a bit when he took his hand from the chair. Nedzu walked around the couch to the other side to encourage Izuku.

"Come here, little mouse," Nedzu called, grabbing at the air towards his young child.

"Papa," Izuku mumbled as one of his arms gripped his toy. He slowly made his way to Nedzu with an unsteady pace before finally collapsing into a hug. Tenya didn't know what to do with his hands so he just clapped.

"I got all of it on camera," Nemuri cheered while Tensei looked emotional.

"So did I," Nedzu stated proudly. "But please send me that video since your point of view is closer than the security cameras in my house."


"Oh yes, I got them installed shortly after everyone stayed overnight to babysit," Nedzu added which made the two friends look to each other with a thought running through their heads.

'How much does he see? How much does he already know?'


Tensei summed up, "In short, the playdate yesterday was adorable. And it was even cuter when Izuku called Tenya 'Ten-chan' and then Tenya called him 'Izu-chan'."

Hizashi groaned in his hands. "I can't believe we missed Izuku's first steps! Sho! We couldn't be there!"

"If we wanted to fail our project, then yes we could have," Aizawa fired back at him. "Thank you for sending the video of him walking to us."

"No problem," Nemuri smiled, leaning back in her chair. Tensei continued to eat his fruit salad while Hizashi was still talking about how he wants there in person to witness the event.

"It was so cute!" Hizashi cried out, switching to baby voice, "His little bitty baby arms was just wrapped around his little toy. And those little bitty legs were..."

Hizashi pauses before screaming out, "WHY?!"

Aizawa canceled his quirk just in time so that they all didn't bleed from the ears.

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