Blood Types and Shovels

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The patrol in Hosu started in the morning which was nice since he grabbed street food during lunch time. He hurried through eating halfway through his takoyaki since Burnin' warned them of an incoming car of robbers.

And he tracked the gif of his brother licking sauce off his cheek on every social media he had. It just kept popping up with hearts and comments about how hot he was during battle.

Of course he was, blue fire was the hottest flame that exists.

But he can only assume they meant hot as in the type of way they see his brother in the fanfiction links that Mina sent through the chat. He barely saw the tags before closing it right away, but the words still haunted his mind.

Other than surprising comments from his brother's fans, the rest of the patrol went as normal according to Burnin'. In her words, 'Anything ranging from purse thief to robbery is normal stuff. Endangerment to attempted murder is more like once every week.'

And the bigger cases are more dangerous to a point where Dabi doesn't want him to be very heavily involved in it. When he asked, Dabi said, "I don't want someone young like you or one of your classmates to handle something like that. Cases like those should be meant for the adults to take care of."

So he expected possibly running into Stain or some mention of Stain on patrol since he knew from Izuku he would be there. But the sight of the eye bulging monsters like the Nomu from USJ was not something he thought would happen.

His brother immediately started instructing Burnin' and him to redirect their fire and guide the civilians to safety. It didn't help that a fire was spreading more to a point where he didn't know if it was their own or a disaster the Nomus started their own selves.

Dabi's blue fire really helped burn through the Nomus' skin, leaving a hole in their chest each time. But with every single one he killed, another two showed up around the corner making the civilians around them run away.

Gritting his teeth, Shoto tried to guide the civilians away from the incoming Nomus. But his work was interrupted with a vibration from his phone that was tucked into his utility belt pocket.

He waited until all the civilians were out and checked his phone. And right where he expected it, Izuku sent him a GPS location in their group chat.

"Dabi, grab shovels and meet me in the alleys," Shoto said, rushing past his brother who was looking around for more Nomus to come his way.

"Got it," Dabi said without a pause. Then he paused in confusion. "Wait. Where—?"

"You'll find it!" Shoto called out to him.

His brother screamed out as he pulled up the location to find out which alleyway he needed to take to get there. "Hey, intern, I give you permission for whatever you need to do!"


He passed by a dumpster full of pizza boxes and empty pro hero ramen figurines. Then somehow after running past a flickering streetlight, he found himself right at the mouth of an alleyway.

And from what it sounded like, he could pinpoint an unfamiliar man talking with Izuku and Tenya. He shot his ice to the ground, making the ice curve down the alleyway towards where his friend's voices were coming. Ice and fire rose up from his body in preparation for the fight that needed to happen.

Hopefully they were close to the end of the plan already with Stain wrapped up in rope so they would just need to knock him unconscious. Would they be able to get to the forest on time with this Nomu attack going on?

"Don't worry! Dabi is bringing the shovels and—"

Okay, he must have misunderstood whatever plan they were going with since Tenya and Izuku were still fighting him. Stain was not unwrapped and there was another pro hero peeking their face around the other side of the alleyway.

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