Little Scenes of Izuku Melting Pro Heroes' Hearts

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It's safe to say that Izuku was growing up. Nedzu can finally understand it now since He was able to carry Izuku in his arms long ago. But now, Izuku is almost towering over him in height. He is still young, but Nedzu knows he won't be for long.

He had been teaching Izuku for many months now since he took him out of school to teach Izuku himself. Of course, the teachers enrolled here also help with Izuku's studies during the day.

Nedzu looks back over his shoulder to see that Izuku's spot in his office was now more grown up. He still remembers the day he found him and the day he finally had to put his cribs into storage. Ahh, is this that sentimental feeling parents get when their offspring is growing up too fast? He feels like he has been having this same feeling for quite a while now.

He is growing to get used to the fact that Izuku is growing up. He already made a literal video album from cute security camera moments that he compiled together. He had the first steps, the actual first words, his own freakout over what he thought were his first words, and much more moments.

Then he made an actual picture album with cute photos he took of Izuku over the years. He has up to five full albums at this point if his memory is accurate. He started on another now too long ago that has the first few pages filled with the kids in their Halloween costumes. He couldn't wait to fill multiple pages up when Izuku opens his Christmas presents. Speaking of, he should get started early.

He heard Izuku's laughter from a few rooms down and smiled fondly. He remembered the times that Izuku personally charmed every single member of his staff. And it wasn't just his staff members. When some pro heroes came to talk about certain issues, Izuku would befriend them almost automatically. Goodness, those were some good memories. He actually has the moments in his many photo albums.


Lunch Rush didn't really expect Nedzu to have a child when he signed up to be the head cook for the cafeteria. He heard many students talk about a little kid that walked with Nedzu around the school with little worksheets in his hand. He couldn't believe it himself when Nedzu walked in with his son behind him after all the students had cleared out.

"Sir, you didn't tell me you had a son." Lunch Rush stated when he saw the two approach.

Nedzu tilted his head, "Oh? I apologize. It must have slipped my mind. Lunch Rush, meet Izuku. Little mouse, meet Lunch Rush. He is the one in charge of the food served at the cafeteria."

Izuku gasped, "Is he the one who makes the yummy Katsudon?"

"Yes, he does," Nedzu replied to his son before turning to Lunch Rush, "I gave him your Katsudon a while ago, and he loved it very much."

"I can go ahead and make some more for the little guy if he wants." Lunch Rush offered, tightening his apron.

Izuku smiled, "You would?! Thank you! Katsudon is my favorite food! What's your favorite food?"

Lunch Rush smiled as he started to cook the little kid some food as he continued to ramble questions of the pro hero. He did his best to answer all of them, but it was hard since the boy had a tendency to ramble through most of his questions. But once Izuku had tasted his food, Lunch Rush was proud at the grateful smile that Izuku had on his face.

The next day, the students watched as their principal sat with his young son in the middle of the cafeteria. They hide their smiles at the cute scene of father and son just eating together with the young boy swinging his legs


Sometimes, Izuku and Nedzu were quoting movies to each other to know if they would get the reference. Of course, Izuku was still young and didn't know the kind of movies that Nedzu watched, so the quotes were more or less picked from the kid-friendly films.

But at times when Nedzu wasn't around to play the reference game, Izuku would hum a song he had memorized from one of his favorite movies. In the teacher's lounge, Izuku was humming the song he knew from that one scene with Cinderella cleaning the floors. He was all alone or so he thought until he heard a soft voice from one of the cubicles.

"Oh, sing sweet nightingale. Siiinnggg."

Izuku pauses his humming to look back at the cubicles, he could almost see a peak of a brown trench coat from the top of one of them. Curious, he jumped down from the office chair he was in to go investigate who it was.

Izuku walked over to see Ectoplasm grading the homework from his class. They both looked at each other before Izuku climbed into one of the seats next to him to continuing humming the song.

When Nedzu came in a little later, he found the two discussing the third movie of Cinderella and how it was much better than the second one.


Snipe gained a soft spot for Izuku quite quickly when Nedzu caught them in a middle of a fake cowboy showdown. When Nedzu opened the door, Izuku had already landed an imaginary shot which made Snipe fall dramatically to the ground. Izuku laughed hysterically, rushing over to plant himself on top of Snipe to keep him there.

He also recalls another moment where Snipe was carrying a laughing Izuku around on his shoulders while he headed to the teacher's lounge. Izuku was laughing as he kept saying how he felt like he was flying.


Vlad King's students didn't really know he had a soft spot. He was a very strict teacher who wanted to see the best in his students. He was fairly new, but he still wanted his students to succeed.

His students got the shock of their lives when in the middle of their class a small child walked in and sat down in one of the empty seats nearest Vlad King's desk. They thought the child would be escorted out of class or something to that extent. They didn't expect their teacher to hand a little notebook and pencil to the child before continuing on with his lesson.

Nedzu laughs at the memory of shocked students still talking about the cute little boy in their hero class.


Once, Nedzu instructed Cementoss to help make some new building plans with Power Loader. Izuku added his own doodles to contribute to the plan which made them both smile at his eagerness to help. They made sure to basically make a show of building for Izuku, who looked so astonished to see something on paper become real life.

Recovery Girl enlisted him for his help to become her little assistant for the day. He followed her the whole day after his early lessons to hand out gummies to the students. The students gladly took the candy from the small child in the oversized lab coat before he ran back to Recovery Girl's side each time she walked further ahead.


One day, Nedzu had to call in Gang Orca to discuss a situation that needed his experience and his vast number of sidekicks to help. He allowed Izuku to sit in for the meeting to tutor him about planning for these types of situations.

Gang Orca was a bit hesitant in having a child there since he knew that his appearance earned him a spot on the list of heroes that would be dangerous villains. But his small fear was proven wrong when the small child didn't face him with fear but only with curiosity.

Nedzu watched as his son had fun asking the pro hero a lot of questions after their discussion. It was clear the other pro had a soft spot for Izuku, just like the rest of the people who he meets. He could see the pro hero hesitancy at the beginning of the meeting loosen up when he saw that Izuku was just a curious mind with a kind heart.

Izuku even charmed Best Jeanist later that day when Nedzu discussed a meeting with his agency. Best Jeanist ruffled his curls when he had to leave which made Izuku smile so big.

Then the final meeting he had was talking to the Wild Wild Pussycats about new security. But by the end of the meeting, Izuku was made into an honorary kitten.


Nedzu smiles as he touched his paw over the photo album. The photo on the cover was Izuku's bright face right after he watched one of All Might's fighting scenes. Nedzu thought he was going to get replaced with All Might as his son's new favorite hero, but Izuku disagreed.

"He might be a good hero, but you are my favorite hero." Izuku smiled up at his father.

"Why is that?" Nedzu asked softly.

Izuku giggles with a happy grin, "You're my Papa!"

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