Heading into Finals!

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Iida walked down the hallway with the light at the end from the outside greeting him and guiding him to the area. As soon as he entered, the audience cheered while Present Mic announced over the speaker.

"These next competitors are both from Class 1-A!" Present Mic's voice shouted over the speakers. "From one side, Iida Tenya approaches the stage quickly! And from the other, Tokoyami Fumikage marches in with the power of darkness!"

He looked up to see his rather quiet and rooting classmate matching his gaze from the other side of the battle area. Tokoyami silently met his gaze with no other reaction other than Dark Shadow sliding up his arm to snap their beak at him sharply.

Midnight's voice called the start of the fight after Present Mic finished his announcement. Iida set his face into a fine line as he bent his knees, his engines starting up as Dark Shadow whipped around in the air.

Iida launched himself forward with his intent to push Tokoyami out of bounds with his speed. But Tokoyami dodged out of the way with Dark Shadow dragging him off to the side. Shocked, Iida stopped right at the white edge until Dark Shadow started to lash at him with all of their might, making him stumble back.

With a shout, he ran at them while Tokoyami kept dodging in short spurts of jumps from Dark Shadow. Iida kept running at them, changing his tactic to punch at his opponent. Tokoyami kept blocking and throwing his own punches with Dark Shadow getting a hit in every now and then.

It was like a stalemate until the sunshine started to peek out behind the cloudy overcast over the stadium. With the bright light shining down, Iida was able to catch Tokoyami in a weak position and successfully push him out of bounds.

"Tokoyami Fumikage is out of bounds. Iida Tenya is the winner!"

"Revelry..." Tokoyami mumbled as Iida held out his hand. Tokoyami grabbed Iida's hand to shake his hand respectfully while Dark Shadow wrapped themself around Tokoyami's torso.

"That was a good, respectable match," Iida said with a proud grin. "I'm glad I was able to fight against you."

"Truthfully, I think the same," Tokoyami said while walking into the more shadowy area near the entrance he entered through. "However, I will best you the next time we spar like this."

"I look forward to it," Iida waved as Tokoyami retreated back into the darkness in the awaiting hall compared to the sunny arena.


"And onto our NEXT MATCH!" Present Mic's voice cracked up louder. "YEAH! You better be paying attention! On one side, we have the hot and cold, yes or no, Fukuyama Shoto! And from the other, we have the strong and silent teen Shinso Hitoshi! Both come from the same class of 1-A! But who will come out on top?!"

Shoto walked up to the center of the arena with Shinso waiting across from him. He glanced behind him up to the stands to see a spot of green hair in the seats watching him. He heard a few things about Shinso from Izuku, so he knew exactly how much potential that the purple-haired teen had.


But unluckily for him, Shoto wouldn't fall for his trick when he knew his quirk from all the ramblings from his friend.

"No," Shoto muttered under his breaths before shooting a massive shot of ice towards his feet to freeze Shinso to the ground.

Shinso froze and couldn't get out of the way in time before being stuck. The ice covered his feet, gluing him to the floor of the battleground. He clicked his tongue at the ruined chance of winning the fight.

Midnight called out, "Can you move, Shinso?"

Shinso shook his head with a frown in response which made Midnight call out that Fukuyama had won the battle. After the call had been made, Shoto rushed over to the other side with a fire burning in his palm. Shinso waited with his arms folded as the other teen jogged over to him.

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