Follow the Contingency Plan for Murders, Iida!

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The whole school has been granted a few days off after the sports festival so the students could recover from their rooms.

And Izuku was mostly at home with his father while talking with some pro heroes about potential interns and even recommending some to them depending on their fighting style.

When he wasn't helping out with heroes or spending time with his father, he was visiting the hospital to check on his uncle. And he was not surprised to see Tenya at each visit whether his friend was sitting straight up by Tensei's bed or using his shoulder as a pillow.

And things weren't easy for Shoto either since he had woken up in the middle of the night for three nights in a row to Touya screaming out. Izuku had woken up from his text notifications and continued to talk with Shoto until they both fell asleep on their phones.

Time flew by quickly and before he had noticed, the school had opened back up from the short break. The day was rainy as Nedzu drove to school with only the pop station playing. Izuku watched out the window for the duration of the ride, enjoying the bright colors of advertisements on the stores before they faded into the white-bricked building of UA. Nedzu pulled into the faculty parking lot with perfect precision.

Since Nedzu arrived early since he was the principal, Izuku never had to worry about getting to class late in his life.

So before his class, he would often do what he did during the day when he was younger. Spending time in the principal's office.

When it was finally approaching class time, Izuku approached the nearest vent with a spark in his eyes. Nedzu called out behind him, "Good luck in class, little mouse."

"Thanks," Izuku called back, sliding himself into the office vent and crawling his way through the vent system.

Izuku crawled through the vent system with no problem while humming a little under his breath. It was always funny to hum right as he passed through the hallways, especially if someone was walking since they would gasp and shout out, 'Oh my—UA is haunted!' Which made him laugh. Which made whoever heard him sprint away.

It didn't take long to reach his classroom vent. And as he slowly took off the vent to prevent a loud crash of metal, he heard his peers talking about their short break.

"This felt so cool. It's so different from when they just broadcast the matches on TV since we were part of them," Ashido said as he silently crawled out of the vent in the back. He met the gaze of one of Shoji's appendages while he crawled forward on his arms to his seat by the window. "And a lot of people recognized me!"

"Yeah, me too," Kirishima exclaimed with a sharp grin. "It was pretty cool."

"Oh my gosh, people were staring at me all morning. It was kind of embarrassing," Hagakure admitted, her sleeves bouncing as she talked.

Ojiro blinked back at her, "But isn't that normal for you, Hagakure?"

"Man, after the sports fest, we've been thrust into the spotlight," Kaminari commented as Izuku passed by his desk.

"The sports festival was fun," Sato added right as Izuku made it to his seat. He could see Shoto glance back at him while Tenya stared down at his desk.

Before anyone could comment about anything else, Aizawa walked in without the bandages covering his body. Izuku frowned at the sight of the scar under his cheek while the teacher walked in. "Morning."

Izuku cheerfully called out, "Good Morning!" Along with everyone else. His loud voice made some of his classmates jump in their seats and whip their heads around to stare at him.

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