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Nedzu grinned as he fixed his tie in the mirror.

"Papa!" Izuku yelled out in greeting before entering through the open bathroom door.

Nedzu looked over and hid his little laugh behind his paw. Izuku was dressed like him. Izuku was wearing a little suit that resembled his uncannily, his fluffy hair was pulled up under his little bear like ears. He had little gloves on to represent his paws and a short tail sticking out of the bottom end if his trousers.

"Hello, little mouse. Are you ready to go?" Nedzu asked.

"Yeah!" Izuku replied excited, Nedzu ruffled his curly floof before turning back to the doorway.

"I was born ready for this." Touya added, poking his head out to reveal his own look for the night. Touya decided on being a male version of Sally with his skin covered in green and stitches all around. He wore patchwork clothes just like Sally with the repeated pattern of the cloth.

"I'm ready for the candy!" Natsuo exclaimed. He wore a costume similar to the movie character Beetlejuice. His black and white striped suit was perfectly tailored. His eyes were surrounded by dark eyeshadow around his eyes and a grin to complete the look. His white hair was smothered in green dye from temporary green hair dye spray made for Halloween.

"What time are we heading out?" Fuyumi questioned, fixing her skirt. She was dressed like a fairy or like an elf. She had ear accessories on to make her ears pointy at the ear. She wore a light pale blue kimono dress. Her hair cascading down in curls from her bun. Her neck was adorned with a faux crystal choker that hangs down the front of her dress. Her shoes were simple platform sandals that were actually really comfortable to wear.

"Mmm" Shoto hummed, appearing out from his elder sister's legs. He was dressed like a little angel and devil cross. His white side had a little halo cocked to the side of his head. His right side had on silver and white colored clothes all the way down to his white sneakers. His left side had a dark maroon horn on his forehead. He had on dark red and black clothes all the way down to his black sneakers.

"All ready in my end. And I can only imagine everyone else is ready."

"Yes!" The five voices of the children rang out to him. Shoto and Izuku giggled, Izuku rushing over to him to stand by him.

Nedzu hummed, "Alright, everyone report to the living room so I can make sure everything is in order before we venture out."

The children all headed to spend time in his apartment den while Nedzu got to work making sure the lights were off and other necessities. Making sure the security system will protect everything inside while he was away.

With a nod, he shut his bedroom door with Rei's car keys in hand. He wanted her to relax for the night, so he promised to take her kids out trick-or-treating with him and Izuku. She ended up giving him her car keys since her car could actually handle the amount of children.

"All set. Let's head out everyone. I have quite the evening landed." Nedzu said while he led them out the front door, locking it after Izuku came through last.


"What do you have planned?" Fuyumi asked as she buckled her seatbelt in her mother's minivan that Nedzu was getting ready to drive. Nedzu had Power Loader make an adaptable booster seat to reach the pedals and steering wheel of every vehicle.

Nedzu explained, "I'm going to visit some heroes in the area not that far away. We will visit some companies or houses of many hero colleagues I have. Some you may already know."

Eraser tiredly opened his door to the faces of the children. He rubbed his eyes and got out the assorted candies he got earlier that day since he knew Nedzu would probably do something like this. He never really gave out candy to trick-or treaters, but he will give an exception to them. Before they left, Izuku gave him a hug which was gladly reciprocated.

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