On the Way to Training Camp

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"Hey listeners and headshakers. It is I, DJ Mouse," Izuku greeted inside his seat at the studio. He lowered the music playing in the background so his voice came out crisp over his headphones. "And this is a little catch up in what happened today."

"First off, we have a song that's topping the charts online. "Like a Ghost" by Nagareboshi went viral because of the band's debut music video on HeroTube." Izuku said, his hand hovering over the newly released song as he pulled it right underneath his music bed. "Second, Pro Hero Wash had his first anniversary of his charity called Clean Clothes for Kids. Finally, a former sidekick of the Equipped Hero: Yoroi Musha rose up the ranks as a pro hero recently. Let's all keep an eye out for Kagami as she rises on her own."

"Now let's get back to the music." Izuku let the intro of the new song start playing as he started lowering his music bed's volume. "This is "Like a Ghost" by Nagareboshi. I'm DJ Mouse and this is 'Put Your Hands Up'."

Right as he finished, the lyrics of the new song kicked in, filling the studio with a slow rock melody. He breathed out, relaxing back into the cushioned seat as his uncle walked back in the room. His long blonde hair swaying while he approached him with a smile. "Hey, DJ Mouse! The show is going great from what I can hear. I did hear a stumble around the top of the hour."

Izuku turned his gaze at the multicolored screen of buttons and lines of songs with a time set along the left side of the screen. "Sorry, Uncle Mic. There was a little mishap with the microphone."

"It's no big deal." His uncle waved off his apology. "A big deal is cursing or talking about something WAYYY too controversial." Present Mic raises his voice to emphasize the other half of his sentence. His green eyes had a mischievous light as he leaned forward on the desk with the computer set up. "Are you feeling excited about the training camp?"

"A little." Izuku smiled then shrugged. "I don't know. It's more of a mixture between excited and nervous. The whole mall incident makes me feel weird."

"Hey, I'm sure nothing is going to happen. You have the Wild Wild Pussycats, Eraserhead and Vlad King to back you up." Present Mic said. He walked around the desk of computers and ignored the music playing in the background. He laid a hand on Izuku's shoulder and brought him into a close one-armed hug. "And if you're still worried, I'm sure your dad has another plan up his sleeve."

Izuku touched his watch as an unfamiliar feeling tickled the back of his throat. "I know."

"So," Present Mic drew out the 'o'. He smiled, the mischief returning back to his eyes. "I heard some of your classmates got permission to go to the pool. A pool that not many first year students would know about. You wouldn't happen to know about that, would you?"

"I don't have to say anything without a lawyer," Izuku smiled, glanced up at his uncle who started to laugh at his response.


The pool idea that he told Kaminari and Sero about was totally worth it especially when Uncle Aizawa came in to take them away after their scheduled time was up.

Izuku was still smiling as he walked into his home, his damp hair still had a few droplets of water dripping from the strands. He can still hear Bakugo's explosions ringing through his air with Shinso's sarcastic replies somewhat mixed inside his head. It all ended with Shoto almost making the pool water into a slush until Uncle Aizawa stopped the pool party.

He shut and locked the door behind him as his dad called out to him. "I see that your tracking device is waterproof. The signal has not been interrupted once."

"That's good to hear," Izuku replied, skipping over to his father sitting with his legs under the kotatsu. A book was resting on top of the table with a bookmarked place three quarters in and a steaming coffee cup with a tea bag steeping inside.

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