Nedzu gets to take Endeavor Down

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Tsukauchi sat down at his office desk with his head in his hand while the other searched for more evidence of Endeavor's examples of abusive behaviors while dealing with citizens. He had already gathered video evidence of Endeavor putting innocent lives in danger with his strong fire quirk.

Nedzu had already prepared many evidence of reports of the amount of damage that Endeavor had made while dealing with villain attacks. Tsukauchi couldn't tell how much Nedzu had gathered in such a short time, but by the sheer height of it, he could tell that Endeavor was in some deep trouble. He felt nervous for anyone else to cross Nedzu to this degree.

"Did you find anything else to drag his name in the mud?" Nedzu asked as he organized the papers he collected into different folders while his legs slightly swung on his short height chair.

"A lot actually. More than I thought I would find in such a short amount of time. It makes me wonder how no one ever looked closely on how much damage he did." Tsukauchi said as he scrolled down yet another source reporting on the worse things Endeavor has caused.

"Haha, it sure seems that way, doesn't it?" Nedzu stated unnervingly sadistically smiling as he stacked all the evidence against him, that was slowly growing in weight and length. "I can't wait for everyone to see how much of a terrible individual he is. How bad he is being his facade of heroism."

"Based on what you told me, I am eager to see the faces of unsuspecting people who doesn't know what he has done."

"I'm honestly waiting myself." Nedzu replied with a gleeful smile, already plotting what he could possibly do to the poor excuse of a father. "I can't wait for them to know what he has been hiding from the public's eyes."

The four uncles and aunt watched over Izuku at his home while Nedzu dealt with most of the digging. Eraserhead gladly handed over what he had gathered in his relatively short time working the underground hero life. Hizashi and Tensei told their own experiences talking with him and how they felt strange in his glaring eyes. Nemuri told of her unpleasant conversation with him regarding ranks and how he smirked proudly at saying how his offspring will surely beat All Might before he could even retire.

Nedzu took all of it into consideration, gathering each and every dirty detail that will prolong Endeavor's stay in a cell.

After many long hours of gathering, they finally gained enough evidence to use against Endeavor in court. Finally! Exactly when he predicted it will end.

Now it's time for the second step of his plan that would commence tomorrow as scheduled.


Nedzu smiled as he guided Rei and her children into the same room of Izuku and Tenya. Without Endeavor knowledge, his family had been sneaked out and was now been held safely in Nedzu's protection. Endeavor was already waiting in his office for him for them to talk about a certain issue, but little does he know, the only problem is him.

"You are welcome to stay here for as long as you need. I will take care of the big issue that holds your family back from the happy life you all deserve. Tensei will watch over you all with his little brother, Tenya. After this day, you won't be under his control anymore." Nedzu explained while Rei smiled at him gratefully.

"Thank you so much," Rei replied with a single joyful tear rolling down her cheek. She thanked him once again before following her eldest son into the room. Izuku's giggle was the last happy thing Nedzu heard before closing the door safely behind him.

Nedzu adopted a neutral frown that replaced his smile. He breathed out and headed to his office where Endeavor waited. He opened the door, ignoring Endeavor's complaining of him taking so long, he climbed up into his seat to face the fiery man.

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