Izuku's Lunchtime Introduction

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"So let me get this straight," Izuku said with his fingers pinching the space between his eyebrows.

"Mm hmm," Toshinori hummed, looking remarkably calm. He had the same look of patience when Izuku had started to look over the battle test plan he had set for today's classes.

Izuku was currently looking at the controlled mess that is All Might's schedule for the day for the battle test he had planned for the first year hero classes. Nedzu had allowed All Might to take over the first year classes while being more of a physical education teacher for the third years to keep an eye on how Mirio is progressing.

Although from the look of this schedule, All Might should have taken at least a teaching class of some kind to get ready for this job. Izuku might have to help out his uncle more than he thought he would or at least beg the other staff members to help him out.

He really should have gotten a teaching license or something beforehand. Maybe he could bring up online classes to help All Might get some education on being a teacher. Or at least one of those 'teaching for dummies' book.

Izuku breathed out, "I have to say the introduction to it is fine. The random pull out of the hat to choose the team's method is effective since they never know who they are going to work with in the future of being a pro hero. That's good as well."

Toshinori smiled. Izuku held up a finger before getting out a red pen from his book bag. He uncapped the pen and started to point out some bullet points in All Might's teacher notebook.

"But the main issues are the fact that you are so far away from the exercise that is taking place and allowing the student to basically unleash all they have in a small building," Izuku paused, brushing his hair behind his ear to keep it from getting in his face. "This can be fixed though."

"Well, what do you suppose I should do?" Toshinori asked. "The classes start later today and I don't want to be unprepared.

Izuku wrote in the margins while he started to explain to his uncle, "These are just suggestions, you might get more help with the other teachers who have more experience. Set the ground rules for what the students can or can't do. You don't want any of them to endanger their classmates because something happened. You might want to be closer to the building or have someone else be closer to building to retrieve the students if something bad happens. If you don't have anyone that can do it, just stuck with the original plan of being within a safe distance but keep your eyes out."

Toshinori nodded, "Got it! I'm sure I can perfect this exercise like a true hero teacher."

"Alright, I'll trust you on this, Uncle Might."

"It's nice to hear that. I'm glad that you can trust me on this."

"I'll tell Nighteye about what happens in class so he can help you if I see you need it,"

Toshinori nods, looking down at the red pen notes in the margin of his notebook, "That's  fair."


Today started the first official day of classes since the day before was only just the orientation. He got to show off his English skills in class with Present mic since uncle Zashi had already taught him the language. Iida and Fukuyama also showed off their skills in English when possible with Momo raising her hand to answer the questions the most.

Midnight's class was fun only when Izuku ignored how some of the boys in class looked excited just by her being in the same room as them. Thankfully, that feeling disappeared  from them when Midnight went straight into class by starting off with an easy lecture about what the class would be about and a short view into the first chapter on history. It was mostly PowerPoint with visual images to help demonstrate what exactly she was talking about.

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