Incoming Exam, Suspicious Bird, Late Visit

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The week ended on a high note even though most of it was spent in the hospital to recuperate from the injuries. Manual told both Iida and Izuku that if they wanted to return without any plans of murder, he would be happy to teach them more.

And Dabi didn't need to push on Shoto since the entire family had done enough by burying him in worry and smothering. Dabi already promised to catch him up on new moves when he had enough time.

Either way, school came quicker than they all thought as they passed through the gate together after spending most of their internship recovering.

"I wonder how much our class learned from the time away," Iida said.

Shoto hummed in response with a shrug. "I'm sure they learned more than we did. But that's a given."

"I think Uraraka learned the most since she got lessons on physical fighting.  So her fighting style I think has changed the most," Izuku recounted from the messages of the group chat he skimmed through the night before. A lot of their classmates got experiences in even the smallest ways in each of their internships. "Tsuyu had a very intense mission compared to other smaller missions. Ooh, Momo also had some lessons from Auntie Midnight."

And if his explanation wasn't enough, the sight of walking into a classroom with Sero and Kaminari laughing at Bakugo's gelled back hairstyle while Uraraka displayed a fighting move against Ojiro had to be.

Shinso was in the back of the classroom talking with Tokoyami with a scarf similar to Aizawa's around his neck. Jiro was casually chatting with Momo who had her hair down.

The three friends didn't have enough time to chat before Eraserhead walked into the room, making everyone settle down in their seats.  He cleared his throat. "After classes today, you should all keep in mind that since the sports festival is over, the next thing on our agenda is the exams. Both written and physical portions."

Eraserhead paused as he took in the shocked and worried expressions across some faces. "You will need to start preparing now because these tests will not be easy. So be logical and schedule your time accordingly."

With that, Eraserhead left the class to talk as he kept himself occupied at his desk before classes officially started.

"Ah man. I completely forgot about it," Kaminari groaned. "I think I'm in the really low ranks. Since I'm not really good at literature stuff."

"Same here," Sero wearily added. "English is kicking my butt right now worse than Ojiro did in quirkless training with Mr. Yagi."

Sato pouted as he contemplated his own ranking in class. "When I get stressed from homework, I just start baking. Which makes me start baking so much I forget about studying. Then I get stressed about not studying which makes me start the cycle over again."

"I would be more than happy to help," Momo commented, her dark eyes sparkling with determination, "Anyone who needs help with tutoring can come to my house. And we can have tea while we study for our written exams!"

Kirishima jumped at his chance to head over to Bakugo who was staring at him like he was daring him to try and ask. And despite the menacing aura radiating off of him, Kirishima slid an arm over his shoulder to cheerfully ask him to become his tutor.

There was a pause before all three friends looked at each other from their seats.

Even when Shoto and Tenya had tests to study for at their own school, Izuku would host study sessions at his own home for all three friends to study together. Izuku would study from his father's appointed studies and homework while his friends would look over their notes from their academy.

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