Honorary Pussycat Returns!

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The cries and laughs were overwhelming as all of the students descended upon the long buffet tables filled with hearty food. It was amazing how quickly everyone had started to dig in. Sato headed directly to the desserts while Kota headed directly towards the delicious vegetarian options. Shoji had his plate piled up as high as a mountain while he could spot Dark Shadow swooping in with their claws to collect portions from different sections of the tables.

Yaoyorozu had her plate piled up with so much hearty food in one hand and a large cup in her other hand which was steaming hot. Izuku took his place right between his two best friends. Uraraka and Tsuyu took their seats across from them with Shinso just an empty seat away from them.

With a smile, Izuku readied his chopsticks to dig into his dinner when a large pair of muscular hands appeared on his shoulders. Ragdoll's hair dripped into his vision before her smiling face did.

Then, a jingle of a bell was all he heard until he felt the familiar touch of a furry cat headband settling into the curls of his head.

"Once a Wild Wild Pussycats, always a Wild Wild Pussycat," Ragdoll said, clapping her paws together and gaining some of his classmate's attention. Izuku swore he heard Shinso hide a snort behind his hand before the rest of his body disappeared under the table.

Izuku reached up to feel the soft cat ears protruding from the headband. He turned back to face Ragdoll and Tiger with a smile. "Does that mean I don't have to participate in all of the camp?"

"Hahaha!" Tiger laughed, punching him in the arm to a point where it almost hurt because of his strength. "You're funny."

Ragdoll giggled, patting his head before the two of them traveled down the buffet tablet to check in on the other summer camp participants. Pixie-Bob was checking in on the Class 1-B side of the room from what he could see of her pulling on Monoma's ear.

"Yep, that's a no." Izuku mumbled which made Shoto huff an amused breath beside him. "But hey, at least I get free cat ears."

"You look adorable." Shoto commented, flicking the cat ear then fixing the headband on his head more securely. Shinso guffawed so loudly a few feet down the table from the gesture which made Izuku hide a smile at the reaction.

"Thank you," Izuku said, bringing a forkful of fluffy rice , roasted vegetables and a ball of seared beef to his mouth.

Uraraka cleared her throat, her eyes tearing up like she was holding back from reacting. She asked, "Honorary Wild Wild Pussycat? What's the story behind that?"

"Well, you know my dad is connected to the heroes in more ways than one. So the team met me when I was younger and made me an honorary member." Izuku explained, reaching up a hand to feel the furry ears. Wait, did they add some jewelry on it? He could feel some cold metal decorating it. "I didn't know I still had that position."

Iida hummed, dabbing the corners of his mouth with a napkin.  I'm surprise Mandalay and Pixie-Bob didn't immediately call you out as one at the beginning."

"It might be that maybe they don't know that the class already knows," Izuku answered then furrowed his eyebrows. Uncle Eraser should have already told them, so it could have been the others who wanted to crown him with ears. Pixie-Bob was the one who personally placed the ears in his head back then. "Or that Pixie-Bob really wanted to do it."

"Class 1-B doesn't though, right?" Uraraka questioned, throwing a glance to the other class who weren't looking their way at all. They were too concerned with Tetsutetsu stocking up his plate with most of the meat on the table.

Izuku frowned, "I think Monoma does. But he hasn't said anything."

Shoto paused in his chewing to look at him. Then he lowered his voice to a whisper to ask, "Does he know about the other thing?"

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