Christmas Time

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Nedzu didn't know a lot about human holidays or traditions when he first started living normally. He always wondered why there were certain holidays. Why did American humans celebrate with a grand dinner of Thanksgiving right before the horrifying retail peril known as Black Friday? It took more learning about human holidays from several reliable sources when he figured out the main root of celebration was most of the time because of a sense of family and love.

He didn't know that he would have been celebrating these holidays until he got the best gift of the world a few years ago. His son, Izuku. Izuku brought more light into his world than he first realized. And for these past years, they would decorate for holidays together especially Christmas.

He would allow Izuku to hang the little star on their small tree each year when they were done hanging up the ornaments. The ornaments ranged from little arts and craft ones that Izuku made or special ones that Nedzu would buy himself. His favorite was a photograph in a snow globe that he always set in the middle of the tree. The snow globe itself was durable biodegradable material that wouldn't break if it ever fell from the tree.

And for these past years, Nedzu was also joined in the festivities by Izuku's growing family. It was Christmas Day.

Nedzu had invited everyone from young Shoto to Aizawa to join in the fun. He knew that Rei and her four children would most definitely arrive first since they were only a floor down from his apartment. Hizashi and Aizawa would arrive at around the same time since they live close to the other. Kayama would most likely follow after them a few minutes later because of her patrol time. And lastly, Tensei would arrive with the young Tenya.

The doorbell rings right on cue.

"Ah! That must be Rei and the young ones. Izuku? Would you get the door? I'm busy putting this pie in the oven." Nedzu asked his son while he balanced on a step stool to place the blueberry pie into his oven.

"I got it, Papa." Izuku replied, running up to the door and opening it wide to welcome in their guests. "Hi Auntie Rei! Hello, Touya. Salutations, Natsuo! Greetings, Fuyumi. Hey, Shoto!"

"Yo," Natsuo replied, ruffling Izuku's hair as everyone walked past with their own greetings to get inside. Once everyone was inside, they all received a hug from the happy Izuku.

Rei and Fuyumi placed their small mountain of gifts under the tree. Touya teased lightly with a smile, "Oof, you are getting big, squirt."

"Nope, you are just getting taller!" Izuku responded.

Nedzu clapped his paws together as he walked up to the group as they set their gifts beside the tree, "Now, welcome everyone. I have a pie in the oven that should be ready as soon as the last guest arrives. Until then, there is a multitude of drinks and food inside the kitchen. Take a plate and place what you can eat on your plate. Enjoy."

And just like Nedzu predicted, the rest of the guests arrived in the order he said they would. And each one was welcomed by a hugging Izuku.

Nedzu pulled out the pie right on time as Izuku tackled a laughing Tenya into a tight hug. Tensei laughed as he picked up the two into an ever bigger embrace while Nedzu rested the pie on the coffee table in the living room to cool off.

"It will be cool enough to eat after dinner." Nedzu states, making Natsuo slowly sit back down from his own excitement to devour a piece of that pie.

Everyone was sitting in the living room, eating their meal. Natsuo was very happy because he was so close to eating the pie. Touya was sitting next to Shoto, joking around with Fuyumi about how Shoto's hair was like a peppermint. In retaliation, Shoto weakly slapped his brother while the latter laughed at his own joke.

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