Izuku's First Day

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Nedzu always knew that this day would come eventually ever since he first picked up Izuku's basket.

The day that Izuku would finally be in high school starting his first year.

That morning, he had woken up five minutes before his alarm to Izuku's excited footsteps running to the bathroom to get ready for the day. He calmly got himself dressed as Izuku rushed out of the bathroom back into his bedroom to change into his new uniform. After that, they both enjoyed a light breakfast of toast and fruit.

And now, Nedzu was driving with Izuku sitting in the passenger seat with a huge grin on his face. Izuku's bright yellow backpack sat at his feet with all of his supplies that he may need inside. It even had a little black cat keychain on one of the zippers. It was like any other normal day except this is the start of his son's first day of high school.

After they arrived at school, Izuku was bouncing on the balls of his feet. Nedzu smiled at his anticipation of straying his day. His backpack was bouncing with him, the keychain kept making a clinking noise when he jumped.

"I guess this marks your first day as an official UA student. I can't believe how old you are. It seems like only yesterday I was rushing outside to pick you up," Nedzu reminisced, remembering the small smile that Izuku had when he was still a young human baby. "I'll see you sooner than later. Go on, little mouse."

Izuku was about to retort back o his father before Nedzu interrupted him, "I don't care if you are as big as all Might, you are my little bitty mouse. Got it?"

"I know, Papa. I was just going to tell you I'm going head through the vents to make one hell of an impression on my future classmates. And hopefully, my plan won't backfire on me," Izuku grinned, fixing the backpack on his shoulders.

"Are you going to tell them the secret of who I am on the first day?" Nedzu asked, already smirking because he knew what the answer would be.

Izuku returned the chilling smile, "No, I'll let it simmer for a while before I come clean about it. I want to see how many clues they can piece together by themselves. Who knows? Maybe they will end up surprising both of us."


The whole student body was gathered together inside a huge gymnasium. The management/business courses were already started to murmur ideas amongst each other about their techniques for promoting. Among them, a boy with purple hairballs was very adamant about using the sexy edge on female heroes to promote themselves. Another male student engaged in a quiet conversation with him about using sex appeal in different ways to communicate with the masses.

The support classes were all sorted together with a few of them sharing their smaller ideas with their new classmates. Hatsume Mei was already planning ahead of everyone else on how she can use the lab to her advantage while an upperclassman behind her fluttering her long eyelashes. Hatsume looked at the hero class placed nearby to see if there was any promising inspiration that she could find.

And the general courses were the most well behaved out of all of them, waiting patiently for the ceremony to end so they could get back to their class. And near the front was the first year hero class. They were next to an empty set of chairs that should belong to the other hero course class. But where were they?

Their answer wasn't answered as the principal walked up to the podium. They watched in anticipation as the intelligent animal climbed up a small set of straits to reach the mic at the podium. Mirio smiled with his two friends in the back of everyone with the other third years.

"Am I a bear, a mouse, or a dog? I'm the principal! Welcome to Yuuei everyone," Nedzu began watching as the student's expressions glowed with excitement.

"This is the start of a new year here at Yuuei. This is only the beginning in the chapter of many of your lives," Nedzu started. "Yuuei will be the start of many of your future careers that can range from analyst to pro heroes. This is a place where all is welcome and discrimination is not tolerated."

From there, Nedzu explained the overview of the rules that the high school has in place. And he took joy in seeing the expressions as he made the teachers and students stand up to say school's motto to close up his presentation of the rules.

"And one last thing before I pass the ceremony on to your future teachers, I will let the first-year classes know of something special. My son is joining Yuuei as the first year and he will introduce himself to all of you soon when he is ready," Nedzu said with a chilling smile.

Nedzu's son? Does he have a son?

Everyone started to perk up at the sudden news, already trying to guess as to what the principal's son would be like and what exactly they would look like. Nedzu watched as almost every student was already guessing.

'I wonder how long it will be until everyone figures it out,' Nedzu thought to himself, watching Midnight and Present Mic's knowing smiles directed at each other.

It was only a matter of time before everyone learned about Izuku. A name that will surely shake up hero society in the best way.

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