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As soon as the announcement about the exams happened, the class was scrambling around. People grasp onto each other to find some semblance of a study group inside the classroom. Mono took a large number of students under her wing much to her delight as she started planning a huge study gathering at her home.

Kirishima got Bakugo to agree to tutor him even though the study sessions were particularly loud, shouted instructions piercing through the air followed by Kirishima asking him to repeat it.

He got several messages from Bakugo given their weird friendship standing right now. All of the message had caps lock as he somehow complained yet kind of praised Kirishima at the same time in an unintended way.

The class group chat dwindled as others started separate chats for their study groups. Mina was the most recent message with a selfie of her and Kaminari with Ojiro in the background at Momo's house with a fancy set up of food and homework scattered on the table behind them.

"Can you stop looking at the chat so we can all study this?" Shoto asked before  throwing an octopus shaped hotdog into his mouth. His head leaned against his hand while he was laid out on his stomach with his notes under his nose.

It was no surprise that he and his best friends had teamed up as a study group even though they didn't really need to. They all studied well on their own already and they were all part of the top ten.

But it was fun to get together to study, especially at Izuku's house.

"Did your dad tell you anything about the other part of the exams?" Shoto asked, his eyes trailing from his English workbook to his eyes. "Mina has been saying that the upperclassman she talked to said it was... something." Shoto pursed his lips as his gaze flickered down to the snacks in the middle of them. "I forgot what she was saying."

"She said the upperclassmen said we would have to fight robots," Tenya replied, not looking up from his work as he picked up his notebook to place it on his crossed legs. He flicked his gaze over the rim of his glasses. "Maybe you didn't' hear because you started focusing more on your cold soba halfway through."

Shoto blinked then hummed. "That makes sense. Lunch Rush makes good cold soba." He popped another octopus cut sausage into his mouth.

Izuku answered as he placed down his English notes to pick up his Art history pile. "My dad didn't tell me anything since, you know, I'm in the class."

"Which means he doesn't need to tell you anything, but you probably have a few guesses as to what," Shoto said with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Ah, you know me so well," Izuku responded with a grin. He hummed as he flipped to the oldest section of his notes. "I do have a few ideas of where this might go. As far as I can say, I trust you two will make it through with little to no problems. I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well to counteract whatever we might face."

Iida hummed, "That's always nice to hear."

"How's Uncle Tensei?" Izuku questioned as Iida pushed up his glasses to examined a highlight section of his notebook.

Tenya sighed. "He's getting better slowly. Tensei is complaining about the shows he sees on the hospital TV. The doctors said that he will be rolling in a wheelchair after a few weeks or so."

Izuku hummed. "We should visit again before we head to the training summer."

"It depends on the day, but I think my mom could drive us," Shoto offered before frowning. He tapped his pencil against the notebook in a steady rhythm for a few moments. "Unless she is going to therapy that day."

"How's Natsuo? I haven't heard from him," Tenya asked.

"That's because he has a girlfriend. He's doing..." Shoto picked up a larger piece of sausage. "...couple stuff between his college classes. Last night, he cooked dinner and made an extra portion just for her." Shoto then bit down on the sausage.

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