USJ Aftermath

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After the USJ incident, Nedzu did a formal apology to his class after Izuku was reintroduced as the principal's son. Because of the attacks, UA declared a day off for the students before everyone went back to school for the second week. Many students were spending it to do many things

Izuku was spending the start of his day off in the car with his father as they drove to the hospital where Aizawa was being treated. Izuku was clutching onto a bouquet of mixed flowers for his uncle to get better soon and return to good health.

Nedzu had apologized to his son directly for almost getting him and his class hurt from the attack. And Izuku forgave his father easily since it wasn't his fault.

Currently, both of them were talking about what the future can hold for the school.

Nedzu pressed down on an elongated pedal to move past a slow driver. "The staff meeting is today. Detective Tsukauchi should give his report of what the police have found so far. And I will talk to All Might directly about what you told me of the ringleader of the attack."

"That's good. I'm just worried since Uncle Might has talked about this big villain before. I know that he said he defeated him, but he also said they never found his body," Izuku replied, the paper wrap of the flowers crinkled when Izuku shifted in the passenger seat. "And I know that nobody is found means there is a possibility that he could still be alive. That's what you taught me."

"I did teach you that. Always make sure that the body is recovered or else it is still out there," Nedzu nodded, speeding past another diver who honked at him angrily.

"I'm worried about Mirio since if All for One is alive that means that he would have to face him," Izuku said with a worried expression. The upperclassman became like a big brother figure to him and he didn't want to see him get hurt.

"Well, I was going to bring it up today at the staff meeting to make a final decision about the sports festival."

Izuku looked at his father, "What about the sports festival? Are you canceling it?"

"Not at all! I was going to decide to move it up for two weeks in the future."

"Ah, I can see the pros and cons to that," Izuku commented, leaning his head back against the seat.

Nedzu hummed, "Elaborate."

"It shows we are not afraid of them," Izuku stared down at the colors of the flowers. "But it also allows them to learn more about our quirks for any future event if they ever come to fight us again."

Nedzu gave him a knowing glance while he turned down another street, "So that means..."

"That means I will inform my class and the other classes about the possible danger whenever possible to warn them about the potential harm that could be caused," Izuku answered back easily, staring out the window at the building as they were passing up. The antique store that they were passing by looked very interesting from the display. He continued to ramble, "We don't need our weaknesses to be out and about for any villain to use against us. So the best way to work around that is to be aware of said weaknesses and hide them during our fight even if opponents will try to expose them while fighting."

"Those are excellent points. Just like I knew you would have," Nedzu pulled into the parking lot of the hospital carefully, already beginning to scan the area for a perfect spot. "Ah, we're here."

"I got the get-well flowers for Uncle Zawa all ready," Izuku said proudly, holding up the flowers right as Nedzu pulled into a nearby parking spot.

They both walked inside the hospital with ease. Izuku was too busy looking at the plain decoration in the waiting room with magazines on the small tables to notice how some of the nurses stiffened when they realized who exactly walked in. Because no matter what he wore, Nedzu was always recognizable.

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