Nedzu Needs Sleep. No more Caffeinated Tea.

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Nedzu was fine with no sleep.

Yeah, nothing wrong with losing a little sleep, especially when it was because of Izuku. There was no harm about staying awake another hour or two rocking him to sleep in his cradle. No biggie on reading a bedtime story when Izuku wakes up at 2:00 in the morning. Surely, no foul about him constantly worry about Izuku getting hurt because he is in his crawling stage and wants to head butted everything he see.

'Nope. No problem that this has been going on for a few days. No problem at all', Nedzu thinks as he looks down on Izuku on the floor crib in his office. He was wearing an old school superhero themed onesie with a soft cape attached to it with green and white being its main colors. It took so long until Izuku had tired enough to go to sleep.

First off, he woke up to crying in the middle of early morning, which was easily fixed by a quick bottle of warm milk and some walking around while patting his back until he burped. He woke up again to his alarm, which caused him to wake up Izuku when he was immediately greeted with a smile and the smell of death coming from his diaper.

After the diaper change, he got his work suitcase and Izuku's baby bag ready before he was greeted by a wail from Izuku. He looked down to see Izuku trying to clutch his head from the small pain he experienced from bumping his forehead into the only not baby-proofed spot in his house. He swooped down to take the crying child in his arms while bouncing him slightly, shushing him quietly while rubbing his back with his other hand.

From that fiasco onto the next, when he was halfway to work when he realized he left not only Izuku's favorite toy that he couldn't possibly fall asleep without, but also his paperwork that he finished from last night. Nedzu had to drive all the way back, pick up the items, and then wiggle back into the driver's seat before heading double time to UA. Which reminds him of the apology letter he needs to write to that poor electrician who was having just a lovely day before he stormed into him. Safe to say, he might need to send some compensation from the utter scare he caused the worker to experience.

And Nedzu would think that at least at work, he would be safe.


Oh how the universe really hate him sometimes.

Nedzu had to deal with a supposed gas leak that needed to be fixed fast, only for the professionals to show up and say it was just overheated water that somehow intersected with the garbage disposal smell. Which made their pay doubled because they were only supposed to fix a leak, not fix up a whole system of pipes. And then he had to deal with the electric company calling about how he apparently traumatized one of their workers. He talked down their whole lawsuit thing pretty quickly, but that meant he REALLY needed to put compensation in his apology letter to pay for a few therapy lessons. Then he had to go through paperwork, which was always SO FUN TO DEAL WITH.

Then, for a moment there was peace and calm in his office for once in the past four hours since he woke up from his nearly nonexistent sleep. For a split second, he thought, 'Hey. This is nice.'

He was instantly shock out of that thought since he saw Izuku head toward the bookshelf. Which would have been fine until he realized the snow globe he bought while he was in one of his very few vacations was a little too close to the edge. He rushed over as soon as Izuku slightly bumped into it.

Good News, he caught the globe. Bad News is Izuku is crying again. Nedzu bit back his inner turmoil into a smile as he picked up Izuku and settled him down.

This incident caused him to completely stop his work to watch as Izuku literally avoided every single safe space he saw and headed toward any dangerous spots he could see. It was like he was a danger magnet. Two hours later, Izuku finally went to sleep after eating his applesauce.

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