Izuku Gets Sick

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Izuku didn't notice that something was off. He woke up like usual, brushed his teeth, and got dressed for a regular day of spending time at UA.

It wasn't until he got into Nedzu's office that he had a sinking feeling that something was wrong. Nedzu looked up from his desk while he was still setting up his paperwork for that day when he noticed how Izuku looked.

"Little mouse, is everything alright?"

Izuku started to nod to reassure his father until he felt an overwhelming urge to take over his body. He put his hands over his mouth and rushed to the restroom. Nedzu called out softly after him, hopping down from his chair to follow him out the office door.


Izuku groaned with a cold rag plastered to his forehead.

Recovery Girl waved off Nedzu's worries, "It looks like a mild case of a stomach bug. One of the second-year management students came in a few days ago with it. Izuku must have been exposed to it by accidentally touching something that was contaminated by the student."

"Sorry. I took his stuff back to his classroom for him because he was resting," Izuku answered, sipping softly from a glass of iced water. He started to chew in the ice from the glass to try to get the lasting taste of bile out of his mouth.

"He should be better in no time. For now, I would just let him rest in here. I'll limit his solid food intake for the day and monitor how he is. It isn't that severe," Recovery Girl explained. "Now, you go on back to your work. I'll keep Izuku safe here."

Nedzu nodded at her words, looking back at Izuku who was relaxing against a pillow. Izuku smiled reassuringly, "Don't' worry. I'll be fine here. Go finish your work, Papa."

The principal finally left the nurse's office to go back to his own office to begin his work for the day. He is already planning on bringing some soup and tea with honey to Izuku during lunch.

After fixing himself in his chair, Nedzu took a look at the work on his desk before his eyes landed on a picture frame. The small picture frame held an image of him and Izuku on the couch with Izuku curled up in a blanket next to him as the television light illuminated the both of them.

He smiled, reflecting on the day that picture was taken. The memory of the first time that Izuku ever got sick.


The first time Izuku got sick was when he was still very young. He was barely two years old when he first caught a cold during the wintertime. Safe to say, Nedzu was feeling a lot of emotions ranging from stressed and worried about whether Izuku would be alright.

He went through research only to learn that a cold can lead to other things like pink eye, infections, and breathing problems. So he called Recovery Girl that night to ask what he should do.

She explained that he should start by washing both of their hands to avoid spreading anymore germs. Then make sure that Izuku gets lots of liquid, so Nedzu started to make some tea with a tiny bit of honey to it. And make sure that Izuku is comfortable by propping his head up with a pillow and placing a cold rag on his forehead to soothe him. And she just gave him some advice to call her or another doctor if the symptoms continue for more than three days and keep an eye on his temperature.

Any over-the-counter medicines that he had at the moment were useless because Izuku was too young to take them.

So Nedzu spent the first night of Izuku being sick with him. He slept on a chair to where Izuku was sleeping on his bed.

The next day, Nedzu was watching over him with a close eye, barely leaving his side. He brought his lunch inside the room with him only to step outside into the hallway to eat since Izuku looked a little pouty that Nedzu got to eat Katsudon while Izuku was stuck with soup. At the end of the day, he guided Izuku to take an apathetic to help with any congestion he might have.

And that night, he slept by his side again, making sure that the rag on his head was still cold to soothe his fever. Izuku never once woke up when Nedzu was changing his rag, he only clutched the custom bear that Nemuri had gotten him closer to himself.

It was only until the third day that Izuku's fever had lessened. Nedzu was so thankful that Izuku wasn't sick anymore. So on that final day, Nedzu had taken a picture of him and Izuku resting on the couch surrounded by a blanket.


After he finished up most of his work, Nedzu prepared a cup of honey tea with three lumps of sugar. And he already had Lunch Rush prepare some chicken soup that he picked up on the way to the nurse's office.

When Nedzu arrived, Izuku was writing in his notebook. He looked up from his notebook to see a cup and a bowl ready for him in Nedzu's arms. Izuku smiled gratefully, thanking his father for the meal before taking a sip of the warm tea. "Ah, that feels so much better. I honestly don't feel that bad."

"Uh Huh. Don't push yourself, little mouse. I also brought you some chicken soup that Lunch Rush made, but don't eat it if you don't think you can handle it yet. I can always put it aside for later," Nedzu explained to him before he noticed something by Izuku's side. "What is that?"

"Oh! Uncle Hizashi came by Recovery Girl earlier and learned that I was sick. So I think he took Aunt Nem and Uncle Zawa with him to go get a plush to wish me a good recovery? Either that or they just had all of these piled up in the faculty office?" Izuku replied, holding up three plushies. One of them was a cockatoo, another was a bunny with very long ears, and the last one was a black cat with green eyes. "Either way, they have been providing me company. I know I might be a little old for stuffed animals, but they are so comfy. It's so soft."

Nedzu softly laughed at Izuku's face that was squished from him holding all the stuffed animals against his cheeks.

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