Here Comes the Sadness

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Izuku, Shoto and Tenya were all having a splendid play date at Nedzu's apartment with Nedzu watching over them as well as Tensei and Touya. Rei was watching over her other children, allowing Touya to step up as a big protective brother to his youngest sibling. Tensei had the day off from his daily trail to spend more time with his little brother, especially because of Tenya's new development.

"I have a quirk! My legs have engines now!" Tenya exclaimed happily, showing off his engine ports jutting out from his calves.

Izuku gasped in wonder, "Wow! That's so awesome! It's kind of like Uncle Tensei but it's on your legs!"

Tenya nodded, growing a grin on his face, "I know! Now I can be more like my brother and be a hero just like him."

"I can't wait until I get my quirk!" Izuku pumped his fists excitedly filled with anticipation..

Shoto commented, "Me too."

"Shoto, you already got your quirk!" Touya interrupted with a gentle reminder. "Remember? You had both of your sides lit up at dinner a few days ago."

"Oh," Shoto retorted, "I forgot about that."

"Oh! Really?!" Izuku exclaimed. "Can I see?"

Shoto nodded before showing Izuku his left hand with a small flame and his right hand with a small icicle forming.

Izuku's eyes brightened, "Wow, that so cool! It's so pretty!"

"Um, thanks," Shoto answered back, a small blush forming on his cheeks from the praise, his older brother snickered behind him.

Nedzu brought up some new for his son, "If you want us to go see, we can go talk to Recovery Girl this week to see about your quirk. I'm sure she will be very happy to see you."

Izuku smiled, "Yay! I cannot wait until I get my quirk. Then I can help Papa!"

"And we can all be heroes." Shoto offered.

Tenya nodded, "Yes. And we could be like a trio! Working together to stop the mean evil-doers."

"This is so exciting! Ahh!" Izuku yelled out happily, making his friend giggle this overwhelming emotion of excitement.

Izuku couldn't wait to get the news about his quirk.


"I'm sorry, sweetie. Your x-ray results came back, and they show you to be quirkless."

Nedzu watched his son's face grow heartbroken as he dropped his Nedzu doll onto the floor. Nedzu remembers that day that Izuku hot glued fabric and fluff together to try to make his Papa into a plush.when he asked, his son said that he wanted to have mercy if his father, so he can support him. Nedzu thought it was adorable and that day he explained that Izuku already supports him by being the best son he could ever have.

He also remembers that Izuku did the same with Eraserhead since the underground hero didn't make any merchandise at all, so Izuku constructed and painted a long piece of glaze to act as the scarf he always wears. Safe to say, Aizawa was blushing so badly that Izuku thought he was affected by a quirk to turn him into a tomato.

Nedzu was thankful that Recovery Girl broke it to him softly, since he knew that any doctor would do just the opposite. They would have probably crush his dreams very harshly. But he was still upset that Izuku's heart was broken. After Recovery Girl gave him reassurance that everything was going to be okay and gave him some gummy bears, Nedzu patted Izuku's back to calm his sadness.

Nedzu prompted, "Cheer up, little mouse. Everything will be perfectly alright. Trust me."

But Izuku didn't say a word back, just slightly nodded to his words, barely acknowledging what he was saying. Izuku clutched his handmade plush closer to him on the way back to their home.

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