Izuku is really Growing Up Fast, isn't he?

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* the numbers is the age of Izuku. like 9 is when he was age nine...so on and so on*


Gang Orca invited Izuku to an aquarium tour with an open invitation to his friends as well. Nedzu went ahead and volunteered to bring the kids there. So Tenya, Shoto and Izuku were following Nedzu into the side entrance of the aquarium. Gang Orca made sure that they had the aquarium to themselves, so none of them would be bothered by any citizens during the tour.

Nedzu hummed quietly as he heard the small whispers among the friends of his child. They kept talking about how they were excited to see the aquatic animals that the aquarium had to offer. Shoto was excited to see the penguins and Tenya was ecstatic to see the stingrays.

Nedzu knew that Gang Orca was often invited to give tours like this, but they never really ended up well. He sympathized with him a bit. The children found his face scary so they always ended up running away when he was genuinely there to teach them more about the undersea animals. There have only been a few occurrences when a small child looks past his scary looks. Izuku was one of them, and it made Gang Orca ridiculously happy.

"Alright kids, this should be where Gang Orca will meet up with us." Nedzu said.

"Hello, everyone. Welcome to the beginning of our tour," Gang Orca began, approaching gently. He was dressed more casually than his formal looking hero suit. He was dressed in a light blue bottom shirt thrown over a white shirt with some sold blue jeans. Nedzu took a slightly more casual approach to the tour as well. He was only dressed in a white button down shirt with some black pants, and his signature red shoes that matched his son's sneakers.

"Hi, Mr. Sakamata. These are my friends Shoto and Tenya." Izuku greeted.

"Hello there. I'm your tour guide for today." Gang Orca introduced himself

"Hi. Are we going to see penguins?" Shoto asked shyly.

"Yes we are."

Tenya pushed up his glasses,"Are we going to see the stingrays as well? I'm very excited to view them."

Gang Orca nodded, "The stingrays would mostly likely be the first ones we see from the route we are taking."

"I just can't wait to see all of them! Especially the whales!" Izuku announced, almost jumping from the amount of excitement he felt.

Gang Orca chuckled, "You are in luck since we will visit each exhibit. We have all the time in our hands to see everything the aquarium has."

"That is a relief. I, myself, am here to see the dolphins. I can't wait to see another intelligent animal." Nedzu added as he walked behind all of the children with Gang Orca leading them through the glass entry which had all different fishes and stingrays swimming around them in the water. The glass aquarium curved around them highlighted all of the fish species that were swimming peacefully through the bright blue water.

Tenya's blue eyes widened as a stingray swam gracefully above them. Shoto pointed out some of the fishes with pretty patterns while Izuku read off the information about each fish that he showed interest in.

"You are going to spoil these kids rotten, huh?" Gang Orca asked as they watched the kids looked around in amazement.

"Who me? I don't have the slightest clue what you mean." Nedzu responded before heading off towards Izuku's direction once he saw the children head into the next exhibit. Gang Orca just shook his head fondly before catching up to his group to continue the tour.

The tour continued with Izuku's excited rambles about each new thing he learned about the animals inside on the little plaques. Shoto eventually watched the penguin feeding with everyone. Izuku got to see the large tank with all the whales swimming by beautifully. Nedzu finally got to see the dolphin exhibit which made him giddy on the inside.

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