Wait, That's a Baby

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It was a simple day in fall and as always Nedzu's day started with a cup of tea while he watched over UA. After all, he was the principal of UA and he needed to make sure the safety of the school was in tip-top shape before the school day started.

He was enjoying the pleasant taste of lemon and honey chamomile tea while looking at the security cameras surrounding the UA building. Nothing out of the ordinary so far. The training areas were clear, the cafeteria was empty, the basket outside UA gates, the faculty-

Wait a minute.

Nedzu looked over yet again at the camera showing the view outside if the UA gates. Yes, that is indeed a basket. A woven straw basket with a light green blanket covering the top. But there seemed to be slight movement underneath the blanket.

Nedzu jumped from his chair with a certain amount of difficulty since his height provided a bit of time to be taken getting up from it. Honestly, he thought he ordered it with the smaller height! Once his feet touched the ground of his office, he headed straight to the front of the UA gates. Once he got there, he lifted the blanket expecting exactly what he saw.

A baby.

A young human baby with curly green and black hair. The baby opened his eyes at the light that was blocked by the soft blanket, letting out a soft cry from the brightness of the sun. His emerald green eyes peered up at the principal before cooing slightly and reaching for him with his chubby little hands.

Nedzu crouches down and picks up the baby gently from the basket, and now the baby is closer he can indeed see the freckles that speckled his round little face. The baby's body was dressed in a very old looking gray onesie that didn't look to provide much warmth.

Taking his eyes away from the baby, he looks back down at the blanket to find any clue of why he was abandoned. Sure enough, there was a tiny letter that was under the blanket.

Nedzu, while holding the baby safely, opened the letter to read the contents of what reason a human would just abandon a perfectly innocent baby. The baby looked around calmly while in his steady hold, clutching at his red tie while he started to read.

'Hello to whoever is reading this,'

'I couldn't handle raising a baby without his mother. She died in childbirth. When the baby was given to me, I couldn't handle the responsibility combined with the grief of the loss of my love. I tried my best for the past two months to love him, but I can't give him a life that he deserves. Please take care of him and love him. When he is old enough, tell him I am sorry for not being strong enough for him. His name is Izuku, his mother gave it to him.'

There was no signature at the bottom.

Well, Nedzu thought as he looked down at the baby. The baby having noticed the principal was looking at him let go of the tie he was chewing on to smile at him. At least they're cute.


"Hello, I found this baby outside of my school and I am adopting him as mine," Nedzu tells Detective Tsukachi as he sits down in the chair with help from a step stool at the police station was a baby cradled in his arms. "The father abandoned them because he couldn't handle being a father."

Tsukachi read the note over before sighing, "I am assuming you came here with the note for me to track down the father?"

Nedzu said with a smile, "Of course, only to charge him with child abandonment, because I won't allow him a single chance to be near this child. No father should ever abandon their child no matter their grief."

Tsukachi smiled softly, "I am also assuming you would like some adoption papers to make the adoption official?"

Nedzu said happily, "Yes, I am taking Izuku as my own."

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