Papa Nedzu to the Rescue!

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Izuku was at the age where he could attend elementary school and learn with other children. Nedzu was dreading the day when he could no longer keep Izuku inside his office to watch after him. He originally thought of just tutoring him on his own, but thought of the isolation it might give Izuku. He wanted Izuku to reach out and make connections through new friends, even though it broke his heart to not have him by his side.

So he simply decided on a close by elementary school with good reviews from parents. He enlisted Eraserhead to sign Izuku up as his guardian since he didn't want to intimidate the school just yet. He signed Izuku up as Midoriya Izuku since with some past searching his family name was Midoriya.

"But I'm going to miss you, Papa!" Izuku whined, holding onto his papa's hand as Nedzu walked Izuku to the front of the UA steps for Aizawa to trade off.

Nedzu smiled at him, "I will too , little mouse. But don't worry, the school day doesn't last as long as you think it does. Before you know it, you will be back with me at UA."

"Promise?" Izuku asked, his eyes filled with stars.

"I promise. Now try to make new friends at this school and just be yourself." Nedzu added.

Izuku smiled brightly, "Okay, Papa! Love you!"

"Love you as well," Nedzu responded, waving as he watched his son being escorted by a casual dressed Aizawa.

"Come on, kid," Aizawa replied fondly, taking a hold of Izuku's hand to walk with him to his new school.

Izuku grinned and took his uncle's hand. He was sad to be separated from his father, but was very excited to make new friends.


The hours didn't seem to fly by fast enough for Nedzu since all he did in his office was wonder about how Izuku was doing in his new school. He kept getting a feeling like he should have just went with his original idea, but he waved it off as the parental separation anxiety kicking in.

It took many hours before Nedzu was free to go back to reclaim his son from Uncle Aizawa at the front of UA. But Nedzu was worried since Izuku was acting very quiet. He would have been smiling and jumping around by now since he was a little ball of energy. Why does he look so down?

"Bye bye, Uncle Zawa." Izuku said, waving before heading inside without waiting for his Papa. Nedzu looked back towards his son in confusion before turning back to Aizawa.

"What happened?"

Aizawa looked at him with a look of worry behind his tired eyes, "I have no idea. Izuku has been acting strangely since I picked him up. Something might have happened in the school. I tried to start a conversation when we were walking back but he only nodded and replied in very short answers like he wasn't really paying attention to what I asked."

"Strange. I'll go ask him about what's happening." Nedzu replied

"Good, I'll head out for my early patrol. See you," Aizawa responded, looking very worried.

"Yes, see you." Nedzu replied waving off his past student before going inside to check on his son. When he walked in however he was greeted by Touya who looked very concerned.

"Hey, What happened to Izuku?" Touya asked, the concern in his eyes shining through his pupils

Nedzu shrugged, "I have no clue, but I have a hunch that something bad must have happened. Why do you ask?"

"Well, when I said hello he kind of did something. He was acting like he was hiding something. Like a bruise or a cut on his arm. Like.."

"What?" Nedzu questioned.

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