~chapter nine~

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Thank you all soo muuch for 500+ views on this book!!

To have so many views with only nine chapters...

Really, thank you♡♡

But for now,



3rd Person Pov:

Kazumi's eyes widened as he noticed the ribbon that Satoko used to wear. Tanjiro got angrier with every second. 'How dare they. They've eaten so much girls and kept their hairpins...' he thought. He then noticed something. (Y/N) doesn't wear a hairpin (if you do, then it's not among the ones he showed them!). But before he could say anything, one of the three Demon's suddenly went to attack him. He was able to dodge, causing the wall behind him to be broken. As quick as he could, he slashed his blade down, missing the Demon's neck and slashing its arm off instead. Then, without any second to think, a second Demon appeared from the wall, about to kill him. Tanjiro dodged the attack, only to be attacked from the ground. While he was focusing on the Demon in front of him, he didn't notice the one that was about to strike from behind. Suddenly, the back of the box he was carrying was kicked open, and the Demon's head was twisted by the kick. Tanjiro gasped lightly, glancing behind him. "Why is a mere human like you... carrying a Demon on your back?" asked one of the Demon's, clearly surprised and angered. Nezuko stepped out of the box, walking towards Kazumi and the girl he held. Tanjiro gasped once again as Nezuko put a hand to each of the people's heads, gently stroking them in an attempt to calm them down. In her eyes, those two were her brother and sister, who she loves dearly. With that, she turned back around, facing the Demon's. "Nezuko..." muttered Tanjiro, watching his little sister in surprise. Without hesitation, Nezuko kicked the Demon, but he vanished once again, dodging her attack.

Tanjiro Pov:

"Nezuko! Don't pursue them too far! Come back to where I am!" I called out, making her stop immediately. She quickly walked towards me, jumping out of the Demon's attack. Urokodaki-Sensei... What you said, is it really true? Nezuko is still a Demon, so she's not weak. And I don't have to protect her. Is that really okay? Leaving things to her... If she's able to protect the two of them, then I'll be able to concentrate on attacking and saving (Y/N). Then, a weird smell popped up. The ground's changing. I fell right into the Demon's territory, looking at Nezuko, saying: "Nezuko, I'm going under to save (Y/N)! You protect those two!"

As I opened my eyes again, I was in swamp-like water. Everywhere around me were clothes of girls swimming around. I'm inside the swamp. That Demon... It went so far as to kill innocent people like this! Unforgivable! I swear, I'll- My thoughts were cut off as I noticed a Haori I would recognize everywhere. That's... That's (Y/N)'s... I quickly swam up to it, tying it around me so I could give it back to her later.

One of the two Demon's laughed, gaining my attention. It asked: "Do you feel the pain, you little brat? There is almost no air within this swamp. And also... your body being entangled by the darkness of the swamp feels very heavy, doesn't it?" He laughed again. The other one said: "You cannot move like you were above ground. You had it coming!" My eyes widened once more as I noticed strands of (h/c) hair behind them. My expression darkened as one of them said: "Ah, that girl... She has to be stupid to jump in here just like that! We're going to eat her right after we killed you! We would've already done that, but you kept on disturbing us, you little..." So she's still alive. I'm so glad... With that, the two Demon's surrounded me, being quick in their movements. They can move extremely fast in here, but... Don't underestimate me! Think back to where I've trained before! The air from the top of the narrow mist mountain was even thinner than it is here! And also, I've got an attack that's able to unleash its power in water, too. They started moving even quicker. That doesn't matter! If I'm going to attack them, then I have to slice them when they get close! I only have one chance. If I mess this up, not only I, but (Y/N) and Nezuko will also... I closed my eyes for a second, focusing. Ah! There's that scent! The line of interval! Full focus breath of water, Sixth Style Twisting Whirlpool! Thanks to that technique, the Demon's were decapitated, floating motionles around. I-It worked! That means...

I quickly swam over to (Y/N), grabbing her hand to pull her with me. Her hand is... It's so cold already. I looked at her face, noticing that her lips were slightly parted. She needs air. Now. Or else, she'll- Without much thinking, I pulled her even closer, pressing my lips on hers. If I share my air with her, then... We stayed like that as I swam up to the surface, pulling both of us above the water.

As I made sure that she's not injured and was still breathing, I went to help Nezuko, slicing that Demon's arms off right before he could hurt her even more than he already did. "Don't touch my sister!" I called, watching as he fell back. I said: "You all have an oily stink that reeks of decay. A putrid odor of evil. Exactly how many people have you all killed?!" He suddenly snapped, yelling: "The ones killed are all women! Living, they will only become uglier and nastier, which is why I ate them! You should be thanking us-" I cut him off by slicing part of his mouth, saying: "Enough." in a dreadful tone. "Let's talk about what sort of information you know about Kibutsuji Muzan." I said, pointing my sword to his neck. He started shivering, saying: "I cannot say." I looked at him in disbelieve, trying to figure out why he couldn't tell me. "I can't say! I can't say! I can't say! I can't say! I can't say!" he yelled, shaking his head furiously. That frightening scent... That was enough to shock the Demon right into his bones? "I can't say anything about it!" he yelled, regenerating his arms, and attacking me. Now I don't have a choice... I shlashed his head off, then turned to face Nezuko. I couldn't get an answer again. "Nezuko!" I ran to her side, watching as she was sleeping peacefully. The blood has stopped, too. Did she go to sleep to recover? I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. You need to wait for just a bit longer. Your brother will definietely turn you back into human. I then put Nezuko back in the box, making sure that she's confortable in there.

A few coughs made me look over at (Y/N), who was now sitting, clutching her chest. "(Y/N)!" I called, kneeling down in front of her. She smiled lightly at me, saying: "S-Sorry 'bout that..." I lightly hit her head, saying: "Don't do something so reckless ever again!" in a stern voice. She nodded her head, hugging me, saying: "Okay. I promise, Tanjiro. Thank you." I returned the hug. Slowly but surely, I realized what I did just a few minutes ago. My eyes widened slightly as I felt the heat burning on my cheeks. I-I just kissed... I just kissed (Y/N)!


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