~chapter fifteen~

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Tanjiro Pov:

Only one minute. You have to distract her for only one more minute, (Y/N). I dodged arrow after arrow, noticing that they didn't disappear until they would hit me. I can't even slice them apart with my blade. The moment my blade comes in contact with them, it flies in the direction of where the arrow is pointing at.

Suddenly, an arrow appeared around my right arm, looking like it was about to twist. My eyes widened as the Demon said: "Everything is going in the direction of what I predicted! Watch me as I twist your arm off!" I quickly jumped up, turning myself a few times through the air. Then, I let my Haori fall to the ground, so that the arrow wouldn't affect me anymore.

Things will end badly if I keep getting caught up in his pattern of attack! If I don't hurry and strike back now... I need to avoid direct contact with the arrow patterns, as well as change the direction of where they are moving. First, I need to use the sixth style to wind the arrow patterns together, then if I use the movements of the 3rd style, I'll be able to shorten the distance between us.

I took in the right breaths, doing my best to move the right way. Twisting Cyclone Current. Then, changing breathing pattern right away, Second Style Modified. Horizontal Waterwheel. As soon as my body hit the ground, I looked up, seeing that I hit him. I did it! Even though my twisting whirl technique's strength decreases when not used in water... It's power was multiplied just now all thanks to his attack, and was able to reflect the arrow patterns.

The head of the Demon fell to the side, and he yelled: "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! All I had to do was bring yours and that girl's head back and the great one would recognize my abilities! I won't forgive you! Won't forgive you! If I can perish along with you...! As long as I perish along with you!" I stood back up again, my panic rising as a bunch of arrows were going through me, pointing in just about every direction.

Not good. The battle still isn't over yet! Before I could do anything, my body was thrown to the side, about to crash into the wall. The pull of this arrow pattern is the strongest I felt from all of his arrows up 'till now. His moves are following one after another, if I don't do something, then my body won't be able to handle it! So, without hesitation, I took in a certain breath. Fourth Style, Striking Tide! Then, another arrow pulled me upwards.

No way... How could I die... in a place like this?! Water Wheel! Waterfall Jar! Rain Wave Pattern Pierce! Striking Tide! Water Surface Slice! I was panting more and more with every technique I used, feeling the exhaustion rising.

(Y/N) Pov:

"You're tougher than you look, I give you that." I smirked a little, saying: "Why thank you, kind Demon." She then threw yet another ball towards me, which I dodged by simply jumping over it. "(Y/N)!" called Yushiro, making me turn my head slightly. I noticed one of the balls flying at the back of my head, so I dodged by dropping to the ground. The Demon was just barely able to catch.

I turned around, a smile immediately on my lips as I gave her a thumbs up, saying: "Thanks a bunch, Nezuko! Oh, and Yushiro!" Nezuko stepped in front of me, holding her arms out as to shield me. Then, as the first ball was thrown, Nezuko kicked it away again. And again. And again. That went on for a little time, until I got the idea to sneak away.

I ignored all of their, Tamayo-san's and the Demon's, conversation, and hid on the tree behind the Demon. "The great one's power is incomparable to anything else! He is stronger than anyone! Kibutsuji-sama is-" The Demon stopped talking midsentence, realizing that she had messed up. Tamayo-san, who had used her ability, said: "You shouted out the name. The curse will now activate. How sad. Good bye..." "Please! Please forgive me! Forgive me!" yelled the Demon, clutching her chest with one of her many arms.

This is... This is just cruel. I closed my eyes, jumping down, and taking in a certain breath pattern. "I'm sorry, but... this is for the better." I said, more to myself, but I'm sure that she could hear me. Fifth Form. Blessed Rain after the Drought. Changing the grip on my sword, I slashed through the red thread that I was able to see, decapitating her immediately.

As her body started to fade, I sunk to my knees, holding my broken arm with the other. Damn. This hurts like crazy. Looking back up, I noticed that her body was completely gone by now, leaving only her clothes. Suddenly, something was placed over my mouth and nose, making me gasp lightly. "Don't breath in Tamayo-sama's technique. It's harmful to humans." noted Yushiro, looking to the side with slightly reddened cheeks. I smiled weakly, muttering a quick: "Thanks."

"You truly are a kind person." said Tamayo-san, smiling gently at me. "The curse that was about to activate is a cruel one. Kibutsuji is able to destroy Demon cells." My eyes widened slightly. "You did her a big favor. Thank you." A small smile formed on my lips as I said: "The way she was begging... I knew I had to stop whatever was going on."

"(Y-(Y/N)?" asked Tanjiro, making me look over at him. "Ah, Tanjiro! What happened to you?!" I asked, almost jumping up from my position. "Don't breath in the scent!" scolded Yushiro, making Tanjiro cover half of his face immediately. What did he do? Why is he in that state? It looks like one of his legs is broken... Poor Tanjiro.

"If she was one of the twelve kizuki, a number would have been carved into her eyeballs. (Y/N)-san, did you notice any kind of numbering in their eyes?" I shook my head at Tamayo-san's question. She sighed lightly, saying: "I'm afraid both of them weren't of the twelve kazuki. They were too weak." Wait, wait, wait. Too weak? Too weak?! They cost me and Tanjiro several bones! They weren't weak at all!

Shortly after, she left to examine Nezuko. Yushiro said: "I'll stay by her side." while letting go of the cloth he held for me. I nodded, took it into my hand, and said: "Thank you, Yushiro." He immediately turned to face away, his face all red again, making me giggle slightly. "Th-Thanks for protecting us..." he muttered, then ran after Tamayo-san. I smiled as he left, turning to face Tanjiro.

"Are you somewhat okay?" I asked, hoping to lift his mood a bit. He smiled at me, answering: "I'm still breathing, so that's good. Right?" I chuckled, walking over to him. With a bit of help, he was standing. "You had me worried. I'm just so glad that this fight is over." I admitted, picking up his Haori. I dusted it off with my hands before handing it to him. "Thank you. But you don't have to worry about me." he said, slipping it on. "Why not? You're just a human, after all. And humans can be hurt." I stated, looking at him with a worried expression. At that, he laughed a little, saying: "I feel honored to have you worrying about me! Thank you, (Y/N)!" He ruffled my hair, making me smile while a light blush appeared on my cheeks. A warm feeling hit my back, and the both of us turned around to watch the sunrise, with him holding onto me for support.


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