Zenitsu Pov:
Do my companions hate me...? Do people normally abandon their companions on the side of the road? If they really are my friends, why didn't they try to convince me? If the three of them came over to me and tried to do that... At that point, even I would be willing to go.
But they have chosen to go into that terrifying forest... Why do you have to move so fast? Why can't you consider my feelings of abandonment for a second? "Chirp. Chirp." I looked down, staring at the sparrow that I named Chuntaro.
I quickly jumped up, starting to dash towards the forest, yelling: "Why did he bring along with him my most precious (Y/N)-chan, and Nezuko-chan! Tanjiro, look at what you've done! Don't bring girls to such a dangerous place! You idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot!"
3rd Person Pov:
Inosuke dodged an attack from one of the attacking Demon Hunters. For some reason, they were attacking their comrades. Inosuke proudly stated: "This bunch of people are all idiots! Don't they know that it's forbidden for members to kill each other?!"
"No! Their movements are very strange. I think they're probably being controlled by something!" called Tanjiro, pulling the injured, non-fighting Demon Slayer to the side to protect him.
The boar man lifted one of his two swords up, declaring: "Alright! Then I'm going to chop them in half now!" "You can't! They're still alive! There are still living people mixed among them. Also, you mustn't harm our companions corpses!" noted Tanjiro, receiving a head-butt from the angry boar man.
"Stop denying my fun!" Then, the injured member of the Demon Slayer Corps screamed, not being able to deal with so many attackers. Luckily for him, the (h/c) haired girl was fast enough to cut the threads above the corpses bodies.
She landed gracefully on her feet, saying: "Tanjiro, Inosuke! There're threads attached to them! They're controlling their movements!" "I've already figured that out!" replied Inosuke, cutting the threads of a few attackers.
While watching them, Tanjiro was suddenly able to detect a certain, gross scent. He immediately covered his nose, not liking the new scent at all. "Tanjiro, watch out!" called his partner, rushing over to him.
He looked at her in a questioning way before his arm moved up on its own. He gasped, realizing that there were spiders on it. And those spiders are putting those threads on the people there. (Y/N) quickly cut through the threads that connected to his arm, asking: "Are you okay?"
He nodded, saying: "I am. Thank you. I think I get it now." She looked back at the corpses, saying: "Me, too. They won't stay down, no matter what." In that exact moment, the corpses rose again, guided by those threads.
Getting what the two of them were talking about, Inosuke called: "Then we kill all of these spiders!" (Y/N) watched as he tried to cut them, saying: "That would be a solution, but they're too small. Besides, there's too many of them." Inosuke stopped in his movements, listening as Tanjiro spoke.
"We must find the Demon controlling the spiders! I've been picking up this strange stench starting a few moments ago, so my nose is completely useless! Inosuke! If you are able to locate the Demon with precision, lease help me!" He then turned to face the injured Demo Slayer, saying: "Also, you are..."
"I'm Murata!" he replied, fighting off one of his dead comrades. "Murata-san, (Y/N), and I will deal with the ones being controlled. Inosuke will-" Tanjiro was cut off by the sudden appearance of a Demon.
The Demon seemed to be floating above them. The snow white hair of the Demon swayed softly with the breeze, his eyes set on the Demon Slayers below him. "Don't disturb our clan's peaceful life here." he said, his eyes landing on the boy with the checkered Haori.
Tanjiro was standing in front of (Y/N), trying his best to shield her from that Demon in case it decided to attack. The Demon said: "Because you will all be killed my mother in the next few moments."
As the Demon started to leave, the ready-to-fight boar man jumped up into the air, calling out: "Hey! Damn it! Where are you going?! Come and fight with me! Why did you come?!" It was then that he lost his momentum, crashing into the ground, back first.
Tanjiro went back to fighting off their attackers, saying: "I think that Demon isn't the one controlling the wires! So we have to-" Inosuke cut him off, slamming his two swords into the ground, saying: "Ahh! I get it, alright! We look for where the Demon is! You damn forehead-taro. So annoying!"
He then kneeled down in front of his swords, taking in a certain breath. "Breath of the beast, seventh style. Spatial awareness!" he said, activating his breathing technique. Thanks to his excellent sense of touch, his technique allows him to detect his enemies without having to see or hear him.
"Found it! There!" he said, a grin on his face underneath his mask. Then, Murata declared: "Leave this place to me, you guys go on ahead!" "What?" asked (Y/N), slashing through the threads above a corpse.
"But I'm at a huge advantage. I can see the threads as clear as day." she noted, looking at the higher ranked male in confusion. He turned to glance at her, saying: "That's the exact reason why you should leave with them. You can give your team that same advantage against the obviously stronger Demon that's controlling these people."
She nodded her head, saying: "That makes sense!" Murata continued his little speech: "The movements of the people being controlled here are monotonous and simple! I'll be wary of the spiders! There will probably be stronger people being controlled near the Demon. Hurry up, all of you!"
"I understand! Thank you!" called Tanjiro, grabbing Inosuke and starting to run. (Y/N) cut the threads over another two people before rushing after them, catching up in no time. "That direction, Monjiro!" declared Inosuke.
Tanjiro grew a little bit irritated, saying: "It's Tanjiro!" Then, they heard a faint: "You can't... Don't come near me..." Each of their heads turned as they stopped in their tracks, watching the scene in front of them with wide eyes.
The Woman was crying, having just killed her teammates thanks to those threads. She said: "Hurry up and get a higher ranking person to come here! If you don't, I'm going to end up killing everybody! Please, I beg you!"
The female Demon, the one with the long, white hair, was still sitting on top of that very same rock, controlling her threads. "The closer you get to me, the larger the threads will become, and the stronger they will be. My dolls will also become stronger." she spoke to herself, a light smile on her face.
That smile, however, dropped as soon as a male voice called out to her. "Mother." Her head snapped towards him, and her eyes widened slightly in fear. "Rui." she said, watching him closely.
He asked: "Can we win? Will this take too long and take up too much time?" She kept quiet, just watching him. "If you don't hurry, I will tell father." At those words, she quickly said: "Everything is fine! Mother can do it! I will definitely protect you! Don't tell father! Don't tell father-"
She was cut off by Rui himself, who said: "Then hurry." After that, he left, leaving the scared Demon woman shaking. She took in a few, deep breaths, starting to move her hands and arms around more aggressively, saying: "Die, die! Die, all of you! Or else I'm going to end up as...!"
Picture from:

𝕭𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖘 [Tanjiro Kamado X Reader] (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Fanfic!Currently on a Hiatus! Having lost her family, (Y/N) was, like many other children, adopted by Urokodaki. She lived a happy life there with her new family, until a certain boy appeared with his little sister, which she both befriended rather quickl...