(Y/N) Pov:
"Tanjiro, what about the scent?" I asked, slicing some more demon parts. He sniffed the air once, then answered: "It's getting stronger and stronger! We have to hurry!" I nodded, starting to run towards the front of the wagon, still slicing demon parts here and there.
Tanjiro called out: "Inosuke! Where are you?!" "Shut up! I'll kill you! Above!" he yelled back, making me grin a little. "Googly eyes just had to butt in! But somehow... Somehow... Somehow, he's so awesome! It pisses me off so much!" he yelled.
"Inosuke, watch out for the front three cars!" called Tanjiro, starting to run after me. "I know! And I'll find it soon! With my full focus 7th style! This 'guy' has a weak spot somewhere!" informed Inosuke.
I asked: "Up front, right?" "Yeah, up front!" answered Inosuke. Without wasting another second, I jumped onto the thin windowsill, quickly climbing onto the roof. "I'll go on ahead!" I called towards Tanjiro, immediately catching up with Inosuke, who yelled: "Okay, let's go to the front!"
Within a short amount of time, Inosuke and I made it to the front wagon. We jumped in, seeing a man in there. He was obviously he driver of this train, and he seemed quite shocked to see us. "Weird, weird! Especially around here!" called Inosuke out, scaring the poor man.
The man quickly held his arms out towards us, saying: "Who are you?! G-Get out now!" We simply ignored him, instead going to attack the many, many arms that were seemingly coming out of nowhere.
They immediately went to grab Inosuke, so I took in a certain breath, muttering: "Breath of water, second form, Improved, Lateral Water Wheel." I quickly sliced the many arms around Inosuke in a horizontal cut, freeing him.
"The Demon's neck is right below us!" called Tanjiro, finally having caught up with us. Inosuke yelled: "Don't boss me around! I'm the boss here!" "Fine!" Inosuke then held both of his swords in a certain way, saying: "Second Fang, Slice."
He easily cut through the floor, causing a bone to show. "What?" I asked, tilting my head. Tanjiro immediately went to cut it, with me trying the same just a second later. Tanjiro's attack got blocked, while a few of those hands wrapped themselves around me, pulling me back harshly.
My back hit the wall of the train, causing me to let out a gasp. I tried to stand up again, but those hands kept me in place. One of them got closer and closer to my face, so I closed my eyes, ready to take the hit.
Instead of pain, something wet fell onto my face. I quickly opened my eyes again, meeting a pair of dark red ones. Tanjiro took my hand into his, pulling me back to my feet. I wiped my face with my Haori, noticing the red color. It was the Demon's blood.
Some arms were trying to get to Tanjiro, so I quickly cut them, using a water technique. Tanjiro then said: "(Y/N)! Let's do a combo attack! One of us will slice the flesh up, the other will cut down the bone without a moment's delay!"
"At it!" I replied, stepping back from the arms. "I'll cover you!" noted Inosuke, making me nod, saying: "Thank you!" With that, we prepared to attack.
Right before we did, however, some strange eyes appeared on the demon parts, each of them having the word 'dream' written in them. I stared straight into one of them, hearing Tanjiro say: "Cut your own throats in your dreams! That'll wake you up!" Then, he fell asleep, just to wake up a second later again.
I kept on staring at the eye, mumbling: "It doesn't work?" I then grinned, looking over at Inosuke, who was still awake, too. The technique doesn't work on us! The Demon can't predict where Inosuke is looking, thanks to his mask, and I'm immune to it, for some reason! This is good!
I jumped over to Tanjiro, covering him while he kept on falling asleep and waking up shortly after. I glanced at him, watching as he was about to slice his own neck. "Don't!" I called, grabbing his sword with my free hand.
He looked at me with wide eyes as I said: "This isn't a dream! This is real!" Inosuke quickly cut some demon parts from next to us, saying: "Don't get caught in any traps! Don't die in a lame way!"
He then let out a loud laugh, saying: "I'm wearing the hide of the mountain master! I'm not afraid to make eye contact with these things whatsoever! You small fry eyeballs!" He cut through another few of them, making me smile lightly.
3rd Person Pov:
Tanjiro was the only one to notice the driver of the train. He had a gimlet in hand, and was about to stab Inosuke, who noticed the man a tad bit too late. "Don't get in the way of my dreams!" called the driver, stabbing Tanjiro, who had jumped in between them.
Then, he knocked the driver out, stumbling back a bit. "Tanjiro!" called (Y/N), her (e/c) eyes wide. He just said: "I'm fine! Go! Inosuke, (Y/N), cut the Demon's neck now!" Nodding once, she started her attack, while Inosuke cut the floor of the train open once more.
"Breath of Fire, fifth form, Flame Tiger!" she called out, striking her sword downwards. A bunch of flames, taking the form of a tiger appeared, attacking the bone over and over again. As it stopped, the wagon was cut to pieces, and the bone was severed, too.
Inosuke had managed to grab Tanjiro, jumping behind the female Demon Slayer who was unleashing one of her strongest attacks. Suddenly, a terrible, extremely loud screeching sound could be heard, followed by a lot of demon parts growing all over the train.
The whole train began to derail, falling everywhere except for the rails. "We're falling sideways! Inosuke-" tried Tanjiro, but stopped due to the pain coming from his stab wound. "Are you okay?" asked Inosuke.
Before Tanjiro could answer, he was flung off the train, landing rather harshly on the ground. Inosuke and (Y/N) were quick to jump after him, with Inosuke calling: "Are you okay, Santarou?!"
(Y/N) was with him first, helping him to properly sit up. "Hey, Tanjiro..." she said, her voice quiet, barely above a whisper. Her eyes were tearing up as he kept his eyes closed. "Tanjiro..." she tried again, shaking him lightly.
In a thin voice, he said: "I-I'm fine. Wh-What about you?" (Y/N) let out a quiet chuckle, answering: "I'm perfectly fine. Can you move?" "Not right away. (Y/N), l-leave me here. Go and save the others... The driver was near the Demon's neck..."
Inosuke said: "I think it's okay if he dies!" "It's not..." trailed Tanjiro off, wincing from the pain. "He's the one who stabbed you in the tummy! That guy got his leg caught, and he can't move! His foot is squashed and he can't walk anymore! If I get him out, he'll die anyway!"
"Then I think he's had enough punishment. Go save him. Please." requested Tanjiro, making Inosuke growl. "Hmpf. I'll do it. Because I'm the boss and my underling asked me to." He then went towards the train, leaving the other two alone.
Picture from:

𝕭𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖘 [Tanjiro Kamado X Reader] (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Fanfiction!Currently on a Hiatus! Having lost her family, (Y/N) was, like many other children, adopted by Urokodaki. She lived a happy life there with her new family, until a certain boy appeared with his little sister, which she both befriended rather quickl...