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It really means a lot to me that you guys are reading, voting, and commenting on this book♡
I hope you'll enjoy^^
-Shuzuku Higami
(Y/N) Pov:
It's been half a year since Tanjiro and I started our training. And I, too, fought against Sabito-nii. But I never managed to win. And neither did Tanjiro. Today, it's his turn to challenge Sabito-nii."After a year, you finally began to have the appearance of a man." said Sabito-nii, getting ready to fight. My eyes widened as I asked: "A real sword?" We were no match for him carrying a wooden sword. Is he trying to kill Tanjiro? No, Sabito-nii wouldn't do that. "I will win today." said Tanjiro, determination in his red eyes. With that, their fight began. But it didn't last long. Tanjiro managed to attack Sabito-nii first, slicing his mask in half. It fell off, reviling his smiling expression. In the next second, I felt someone hugging me tightly. I returned it, saying: "Thank you, Sabito-nii. I'll miss you..." "And I'll miss you more. Be careful. Tanjiro. Keep my little (Y/N) safe." he said before disappearing. "You must win, Tanjiro, (Y/N). Against that person, too." With those last words, Makomo disappeared, too. I felt the tears in my eyes, but quickly blinked them away, smiling at Tanjiro. "You did it! You sliced the boulder!" I cheered, hugging him. He returned it, cheering, too. "We can go to the Final Selection!"
"The reason I didn't want you to go join the Final Selection, was because I didn't want to see children die of this anymore. But I didn't count on you being able to slice that rock. You did well." said Sensei, patting Tanjiro's head. I smiled as he said: "Tanjiro, you are an... impressive kid..." Then, Sensei hugged us both, saying: "You must come back alive from the final selection. This old man and your sister will wait for you right here." We returned the hug, of course.
After that, I went inside to fix Tanjiro's and mine clothes. I also cut his hair, and we each took a quick shower. We said our goodbyes to Nezuko, promising to come back. And then...
"Urokodaki-san, we're leaving! Please take care of the rabbit and the fox, too." said Tanjiro, waving. I waved, too, saying: "We'll come back. I promise! I have to be strong for Sabito-nii, too." Even though Sensei was wearing a mask, I could tell that he was shocked. Makomo and Sabito-nii are already dead, after all.
time skip: at Fujikasaneyama
3rd Person Pov:
Two doll-like beings greeted the contestants for the Final Selection. "Greetings everyone. Thank you all for joining the Final Selection tonight. There are a lot of Demons held captive on this mountain by Demon Hunters. They are unable to leave." said the one with black hair. The white haired one said: "Because from the mountain foot to half way up, there are a lot of Demon repelling Wisteria that bloom all year round." "However, from here on out, there are no more Wisteria. Only Demons. If you can survive here for seven days," "Then you pass the Final Selection. Now let the Final Selection begin." With that, all of the contestants scattered into different directions."Hey, hey, you go over there, I eat this." "Hell no, get out of here!" argued two Demons, both ready to take on the small group of Tanjiro and (Y/N). "That's my prey!" "Shut it!" "We'll just decide it by whoever gets to them first!" "Haven't tasted human flesh in such a long time!" Both of the teenagers made the same breath pattern. While Tanjiro was able to smell the lines connecting to their necks, (Y/N) could clearly see them. Both of them did the Fourth Style; Striking Tide. As soon as they did that, (Y/N) cheered a little, saying: "I did it! I slayed my first Demon! This is exciting!" Tanjiro looked at her, chuckling at her enthusiasm. But then, as the Demon's bodies faded, both, Tanjiro and (Y/N), prayed for them. "May you rest in peace." they said.
(Y/N) Pov:
"Where's that smell of rot coming from?" asked Tanjiro, covering his nose. I quickly looked around, spotting another contestant. "Uwaaaaah! Why is there such a large type of mutant here? I didn't hear about this!" he yelled, running by us. Behind him was a Demon that was more terrifying than any of the ones I've already seen. He had waaaay too many arms. And with a quick motion of his, he caught the poor boy. My eyes widened. He's gonna die if we don't- My thoughts got interrupted by Tanjiro, who sliced the Demon's arm off. I quickly jumped in, pulling the boy to safety. The Demon stopped for a second, then said: "Here come two other cute little foxes." He then asked: "Hey little fox. What year of the Meiji Era is it?" Tanjiro said: "It's the Taisho Era right now." With that, the Demon snapped a bit. "Ahhhh! The Era name! Even the Era name changed, too! Not enough! Not enough at all! How long have I been locked up here in this place? Ahhh- I'll never forgive him. Never! Damn Urokodaki. Damn Urokodaki. Damn Urokodaki. Damn Urokodaki!" I glared at him, asking: "Why do you hate Sensei so much?" That caused him to snap even more. "You know why! I was captured by Urokodaki. I won't forget that moment 47 years ago. He was still hunting Demons back then. It was during the Edo Period... During the Keio Era." I was about to say something, but the boy we saved yelled: "You're lying! There aren't supposed to be any Dmeons here that have lived that long! Because the Demons here should have eaten two or three people only, and Demons are killed during the Final Selection. Also Demons kill each other which makes this impossible..." "But I still remain alive in this prison of Wisteria. I've eaten a total of fifty small kids." He started counting. "And then, you're the 14th. And you're the 15th." he pointed at Tanjiro, then at me. I tilted my head as Tanjiro asked: "What are you talking about?" The Demon smiled, saying: "I'm counting the number of Urokodaki's apprentices I've swallowed. I've decided to kill all of his apprentices. Speaking of which, the ones that left me with the most impression was this pair of kids. And of those two, the kid with that rare hair color was the strongest. He had a head covered with peach hair and a scar on one of the corners of his mouth. The other was a little girl wearing flower patterned clothing. Even though she was small and not very powerful, she was quick and light with her movements." My eyes widened. "You killed... Sabito-nii... and Makomo?" I silently asked, feeling the anger rise.~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
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𝕭𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖘 [Tanjiro Kamado X Reader] (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Fanfiction!Currently on a Hiatus! Having lost her family, (Y/N) was, like many other children, adopted by Urokodaki. She lived a happy life there with her new family, until a certain boy appeared with his little sister, which she both befriended rather quickl...