(Y/N) Pov:
"Don't come over here! Don't come over here! Ohhh, I'm not delicious! I'm definitely not delicious! I'm serious! This child is all skin and bones and dry as hell, he's also not good to eat, too!" I sighed upon hearing those screams. Zenitsu's still screaming? That poor Demon he's running away from...
The door I stood in front of suddenly burst open. I immediately took a few steps back, about to draw my sword. But I stopped once I heard a familiar voice calling out: "(Y/N)-chan! (Y/N)-chan! Save me!" I looked past him, spotting the Demon. Nodding at Zenitsu, I drew my sword, about to attack the Demon.
"Watch out! His tongue can stretch!" screamed Zenitsu into my ear, making me lose my concentration. In that moment, the Demon attacked, slapping my sword out of my hands. I gasped as Zenitsu let out a loud screech, already running away. I tried to grab my sword, but the Demon wrapped it's tongue around my ankle, ripping me off of my feet.
I fell to the ground, grunting as I felt the pain in my arm again. I just had to fall onto the broken one, right? The Demon pulled me closer, saying: "I'm going to rip your organs out and eat them." My eyes widened in fear as I realized that I couldn't do much. "Z-Zenitsu, help me!" I called, hoping he'd actually do something.
Instead, he screamed even louder, covering his eyes with both of his hands. No way... Am I going to die here? I felt the sharp pain of the Demon's fangs digging into my flesh. I bit my lip in an attempt not to scream, kicking at the Demon with my free leg. He only bit down harder, causing me to scream a little. "Tastes... delicious..." he mumbled, licking my blood up.
"No, I-I can't-" I tried to say, but couldn't finish my sentence due to the pain. I'm done for. I know it. Tanjiro... I felt the tears rising into my eyes. Not because of the pain. No. It's because I know that I'll never see him smile again. I'll never get to spend another minute with him. I'm sorry, Tanjiro...
3rd Person Pov:
Overwhelmed by the scene in front of him, Zenitsu knew he had to do something. He knew he had to save her. He wanted to save her. But there was nothing he could do. "Tastes... delicious..." muttered the Demon, finally getting Zenitsu to react. Well, he fell asleep. The realization that that girl was about to be eaten in front of him pushed him over the edge. He fell to the ground, snoring.
Shoichi, the boy that was with him, watched the scene in horror. "Zenitsu-san?! Zenitsu-" It was then that he noticed that he was asleep. "Wah! Zenitsu-san, please get up!" he called, praying for a miracle. It was then that the sleeping boy got up, taking a fighting stance. The Demon stopped his movements, all eyes set on Zenitsu.
"Zenitsu-san..." trailed Shoichi off, watching in awe. "Breath of thunder. First style. Thunderclap flash." The same second he said those words, he vanished from Shoichi's view. The Demon's head was cut off, and Zenitsu stood behind it, before waking up. (Y/N) looked up at the boy, her (e/c) eyes wide. "It's dead! What's going on?! It died in an instant?! I've had enough of this!" called Zenitsu, screeching.
His brown eyes then landed on the girl that was still laying on the ground. He immediately knelt down next to her, bowing. "Thank you so much, (Y/N)-chan! You saved us! I'll never forget this, I swear!" he said, bowing down numerous times. The girl sat up, saying: "Uhm, no, you did... I didn't..." Shoichi quickly joined their sides, asking: "A-Are you hurt, miss?" (Y/N) looked down at her injured ankle, gently touching her fresh wound.
She flinched immediately, saying: "This is bad..." Zenitsu jumped up, saying: "Don't worry, (Y/N)-chan. I'll carry you." in a voice that didn't suite him at all. Despite that, (Y/N) nodded, taking the hand he held out for her. She tried to stand on her own, but failed miserably. She looked at the ground in shame, saying: "I'm sorry... I was too careless and ended up being a burden to you. You can just leave me here." Zenitsu gasped, saying: "Never say that ever again! You're no burden! You're my future wife, so it's only natural for me to save you."
Looking at him with a slight smile, (Y/N) didn't know what to say. Zenitsu lifted her onto his back, starting to walk. Now that he actually helped someone out, he felt proud and much stronger. In that moment, he was sure he could take out at least two Demons. However, he was also sure that he'd be very scared after that. So, he decided to just make a run for it should they encounter another Demon. "Thank you, Zenitsu." said (Y/N), smiling kindly. Zenitsu blushed, muttering a: "D-D-Don't mind it..."
Meanwhile, in another room, Tanjiro had managed to find the older brother of the siblings. "'Rare blood'... Did that Demon ever say those words?" he asked, more to himself. But the older brother, Kiyoshi, answered: "He- He did... He called me that!" "Caw! Rare blood is a person with precious blood!" called Tanjiro's and (Y/N)'s crow, scaring the other two. "What does precious blood mean?" asked Tanjiro, lifting the crow up.
It answered: "The blood of organisms have a classifying system, you idiot. Even in rare bloods, there are also people with even more precious blood to a Demon! A person with rare blood can equal to fifty people! A hundred people! Once eating that person, they are able to gain nutrition equal to that blood's rarity! Rare blood is a Demon delicacy! It's the Demon's favorite!"
The next sentence of the crow made Tajiro's blood freeze. "I believe that (L/N) (Y/N) has very, very rare blood!" Tanjiro's eyes widened. If that's true, then she's in great danger. That's what he knew. "(Y/N)..."
He left Teruko with her older brother, since he had a drum that could change the rooms. The Demon had appeared, and the siblings were safe. Tanjiro ran at the Demon, his sword ready to strike. "You bunch of bugs... I really do hate..." said the Demon, beating one of its drums. The room's gravity seemingly changed. The Demon stood one the floor, while Tanjiro stood on the ceiling. Then, the Demon started attacking.
Picture from:

𝕭𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖘 [Tanjiro Kamado X Reader] (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Fanfiction!Currently on a Hiatus! Having lost her family, (Y/N) was, like many other children, adopted by Urokodaki. She lived a happy life there with her new family, until a certain boy appeared with his little sister, which she both befriended rather quickl...