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It makes me happy that people actually read my books^^
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But for now,
Enjoy \(^♡^)/
-Shuzuku Higami
(Y/N) Pov:
I glanced over at Tanjiro, who was walking with a stick as support. Both of us were panting heavily. I mean, we never got to rest properly after the exam, so... While we were walking back, I noticed that Tanjiro looked like something was troubling him. It's because we didn't get any answer to our questions. The Demons would only ignore or laugh at us when we asked them about turning a Demon back into human. And in the end, we had no choice but to kill them. I turned to face Tanjiro, saying: "I-It's fine. Those Demons probably didn't even know a way to turn Nezuko back into a human. So don't feel down, okay?" I smiled at him. He looked at me, smiling slightly, saying: "Yeah, you're right. Thank you, (Y/N)." With that, we continued our way.As we got there, I sighed heavily, saying: "W-We made it... We really did." while smiling weakly. The walk back was too much. Tanjiro was about to say something, but we heard a pair of knocks. Then, the door was kicked open. Our eyes widened as a girl with long, black hair with orange tips walked out. Tanjiro immediately screamed: "Ah! Nezuko, you... you woke up!" Nezuko turned around, running towards us. Tanjiro wanted to run to her, too, but fell to the ground. I quickly sat down, helping him sit properly. Nezuko then hugged Tanjiro. He started crying, saying: "Why did you suddenly fall into a coma like that? You laid there in the bed and you wouldn't wake up, I thought you were dead!" Nezuko then looked at me with her pink eyes. I smiled at her, saying: "Glad to see you're all better." She pulled me into the hug, too, and I immediately returned it, hugging both of them. I felt a fourth person joining the hug. I knew it was Sensei, so I smiled even more. "You finally came back alive!" he said, letting a few tears slip. I said: "Yeah, we made it. Like we promised."
time skip: 15 days later
(Y/N) Pov:
"Ah, Urokodaki-san, is that the person we're expecting?" asked Tanjiro, making me look up from the Haori I was fixing. I heard the stranger say: "My name is Haganeduka. I am the one that has forged the blades that will be used by Kamado Tanjiro and (L/N) (Y/N)." "I am Kamado Tanjiro. Please, come in and have a seat." I stood up, walking over to the two, saying: "I'm (L/N) (Y/N). Don't you want to come in?" The man ignored our request for him to come in. He put two wooden boxes down, saying: "This is the 'Nichirin blade'." "Um... Please come in and have a seat..." repeated Tanjiro, just to be ignored. "I forged these swords." "Please come in and have some tea." I tried, but it didn't work. "The Nichirin blade's raw materials are iron sand and ore from the highest mountain that is closest to the sun. 'Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand' and 'Scarlet Crimson Ore'. They are metals that have absorbed the sunlight." Tanjiro said: "I'm pretty sure your bag is going to get mud on it." "The mountain the materials are from, the Sunlight Mountain, is bathed in sunlight all year round. Never troubled by clouds or rain." Tanjiro said: "Hold on a minute first! Could you please stand up? The way you're crouching on the ground is a bit..." The man looked up, reviling a red mask. I shrieked, hiding behind Tanjiro. I did not expect him to wear such a strange mask. Not at all. "Ahh, you're the 'child of burning crimson', aren't you? This is most auspicious for us to meet." Tanjiro quickly said: "No, no. I'm Tanjuro and Kie's son." "I didn't mean it like that!" I peaked at the man. He said: "Your hair and eyes are all red, right? If a family is a business of making fire, then they will have a child like you. So I mean to say that it's a very lucky thing, so be happy." The man poked Tanjiro's cheek. Tanjiro asked: "Is that how it is? I don't really understand at all..." "Looks like this blade might turn red. Right, Urokodaki?" "Yeah." was heard from inside. I turned, asking: "Sensei, you know him?" He nodded at me, saying: "Why don't you come in, Haganeduka?""Alright. Try and pull the blade out of its scabbard." suggested Haganeduka-san. "Okay." both me and Tanjiro said at the same time. We both pulled the swords out, holding it up. I looked over and saw how Tanjiro's slowly turned to black. "The blade changes color based on each individual owner. Nichirin blade's other name is the blade of color change." explained Haganeduka-san. "Ohh." awed Tanjiro. "Black." "It's black..." stated Sensei and Haganeduka-san. "Eh, black feels really omnious, is this a bad sign?" asked Tanjiro, shocked at their reactions. "No, it's not like that... I've never seen a blade this dark of a shade of black." said Sensei. "Eh- I thought I could finally witness a bright crimson colored blade this time. Damnit!" He went to attack Tanjiro, but I stopped him by saying: "Mine turned..." They all looked at my sword, watching as the blade took a beautiful shade of blue. I smiled, saying: "It's blue. Just like Onii-chan's." "Why didn't it turn red? Why did it turn blue? I really wanted to see a red one!" yelled Haganeduka-san, starting to run at me. I immediately ran away, screaming: "Ah, stop chasing me! Tanjiro, help me!" We were stopped once our crow said: "Caw, caw. Kamado Tanjiro, (L/N) (Y/N), hurry and go to the north west town, caw! Hurry up and go hunt Demons! This is your first assignment." The crow landed on my arm as I stopped. I asked: "Wait, you can talk?" It ignored me, saying: "Remember this well, in the north east town, young girls are constantly disappearing. Every night, every night. There are girls, there are girls, constantly disappearing!"
Picture from:

𝕭𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖘 [Tanjiro Kamado X Reader] (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Fanfiction!Currently on a Hiatus! Having lost her family, (Y/N) was, like many other children, adopted by Urokodaki. She lived a happy life there with her new family, until a certain boy appeared with his little sister, which she both befriended rather quickl...