3rd Person Pov:
"Ahahaha! Just like what Yahaba said, a structure appeared in a place that didn't have anything there before!" yelled a Demon with short, black hair with orange tips. She threw handball after handball at the house, shattering its walls. The other Demon, male with short, black hair, and closed eyes, took notice of a piece of paper that fell down. He said: "Seems like they used a Blood Demon Art capable of hiding things. There are two Demon Hunters and another Demon along with them? What is going on..." He then turned his hand towards his partner, the eye on his palm seemingly staring at her. "Anyways, Susamaru, should I say that the way you handled this was immature or too simplistic. You got it dirty, you know. You got my clothes dirty with dust. Tch!" The female merely giggled, saying: "You're so annoying. It was all thanks to my handballs that we were able to find this place so soon, okay? I want to play a little bit longer. And your clothes aren't dirty, you're such a neurotic guy."
Inside the house that was just attacked, the five people in there looked at the hole in the wall with wide eyes. The Demon girl laughed, stepping into view. 'Just a handball thrown by that woman was able to destroy the house to this extent?!' asked Tanjiro himself mentally, listening as she chanted: "Ahahaha! Found you! Found you!" With that, the woman threw a handball. With much, much force. It reflected at every spot it hit, resulting in it flying everywhere. And it was fast. Tanjiro held Nezuko close to him, as (Y/N) threw the two of them to the ground, making the handball just barely miss the three of them. She followed the ball's movements with her eyes, being able to see it very clearly. However, she wasn't fast enough to stop it from attacking Yushiro. So, the handball made contact with his head, removing it in a single, fast motion. "Yushiro!" called Tanjiro and (Y/N) at the same time, watching as his body was caught by Tamayo.
Tanjiro Pov:
This is bad. Really bad. I let go of Nezuko, saying: "Nezuko! Carry the unconscious woman in there to a safe place outside!" She nodded her head, then went to do just that. I faced the short haired Demon woman again, pulling my sword out. "Ahaha! I killed somebody. Hm?" she laughed, covering her mouth. She has a different smell than the Demons we've faced before. Is it because she's really strong? A heavy scent... Just sucking it into my lungs feels heavy! She then locked eyes with me, asking: "The Demon Slayer with the earrings on your ears... That's you, right?" I gasped lightly, pausing in my movements. So their target is me?! I turned my head, saying: "(Y/N)! Get Tamayo-san and go to a place to hide!" (Y/N) stood up, shaking her head. "No way! I told you, I'll help! No matter what!" "Besides, we will be fine even without your protection. Because we are Demons." noted Tamayo-san. I merely nodded my head, turning to face the handball lady. She threw it at me with a lot of force.
I can't avoid it. It'll hit everything and everyone on its way, so... Full focus, Breath of Water... The fastest stabbing strike out of the ten sword skills. Seventh Style, Piercing Rain Drop. And... I did it! I watched as the ball was stuck on my sword. Suddenly, it started moving, hitting my head in the process. How can this handball still move?! An unnatural turn happened when it struck Yushiro, too, but this isn't a special curving around ball... What is this...?
"Tanjiro, there's another one! I'll go after it!" called (Y/N), making me look at her. Another one? "There're arrows everywhere. I don't know what for, but they're not from her." I nodded, watching as she rushed away. "Ahaha! So fun! So interesting! You're a smart one, huh? Oh?" the handball woman grinned widely, saying: "Ah, the Demon Slayer with the (e/c) eyes! So it really is you two! But... I will allow you the glorious death of dying by the hands of the Twelve Kizuki." Wait, wait, wait. So... (Y/N)'s their target, too?! And what are the Twelve Kizuki?! So much happening! "Twelve Kizuki?" I asked out loud, trying to sort my thoughts. "They are Kibutsuji's personal servants!" called Tamayo, making my eyes widen. The handball Demon said: "Now let's play! Until the night ends! Until your life ends!" I looked to where (Y/N) had left. Please be safe...
(Y/N) Pov:
I stood on the roof of the house, pointing the tip of my sword at the neck of the Demon. "Your eyes really are as good as they say. Interesting. However, that won't help you." With that, my arm suddenly moved upwards, making me drop my sword. My eyes widened as I noticed the small arrow on it. So that's... his Blood Demon Art? I glared at him, bringing my arm back in my control. "Why? Why are you attacking us?" I asked, keeping my eyes on him. He merely grinned, saying: "You're a threat, nothing more, nothing less. Now, let me get rid of that head of yours!" My body was suddenly flung backwards, away from the roof. And before I knew it, my back hit the ground harshly, making me gasp for air.
As I looked up again, I saw Nezuko attacking the Demon. "Don't kick up so much dust! It's so dirty!" he yelled, using the same move on her than he did on me. I quickly jumped to my feet, catching Nezuko. Then, both of us started to move away. I tried everything to stop it, but we only stopped once we made contact with Tanjiro. "Time to die!" yelled the female Demon. Wait! She has six arms now?! What in the world did I miss?! She threw a handball at us, but we were able to barely dodge. My eyes were quickly back on the arrow Demon. "We have to defeat the arrow one first. Can you do it?" asked Tanjiro. I nodded, saying: "As soon as I got my sword back, it won't be a problem." "Nezuko, please help (Y/N) out. Don't do anything too rash." Nezuko nodded at her brother's request, starting to run at the arrow Demon. I waited for her to distract him, so that I could grab my sword, but...
I fell down, feeling a warm liquid running down my arm, which was followed by pain. A lot of pain. "(Y/N)!" called Tanjiro, clearly worried for me. "Hey, you made me miss." said the female Demon in annoyance. "I can't help it. There's someone attacking me!" replied the arrow Demon. I quickly stood back up again, saying: "I'm okay!" Right. I still have an arm that's not broken. I can still do this. Now, concentrate... With that, I just ran up towards the arrow Demon, kicking him with all my might. Nezuko did the same, and it threw him back a bit. I then went to pick up my sword, but it wasn't there. "Looking for this?" I turned towards his voice, quickly ducking out of my sword's way. Seriously?! He's using my own sword against me now?! That little... "Just you wait! I'll defeat you! For sure!" I called out, glaring at him.
Picture from:

𝕭𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖘 [Tanjiro Kamado X Reader] (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Fanfiction!Currently on a Hiatus! Having lost her family, (Y/N) was, like many other children, adopted by Urokodaki. She lived a happy life there with her new family, until a certain boy appeared with his little sister, which she both befriended rather quickl...