~chapter fourteen~

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3rd Person Pov:

While Tanjiro was trying to keep the female Demon's attention on him, Nezuko and (Y/N) were trying to fight the arrow Demon off. It went well for Nezuko, and not so well for (Y/N). Since she didn't have her sword, she felt weak. Slow, even.

Shaking her head to get rid of all those thoughts, she kept her (e/c) gaze on the Demon. Running towards him once more, she dodged every arrow that she encountered, making sure to not accidentally step on one again. As she had finally reached him, something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention, making her duck.

The sword with the beautiful blue color missed her head barely, cutting a few strands of hair off. Gritting her teeth, (Y/N) pointed her finger accusingly at the Demon, yelling: "That's it! I was mad before, but now I'm furious!" She got into a fighting stance, balling both of her hands into fists. "If I can't use my sword, I'll use these!" she declared, charging at the Demon.

He was able to dodge all of her hits, except for the last one. And in that moment, he lost his concentration for less than a second, making all of the arrows vanish for that very, very short time. Unfortunately for him, that fracture of a second was all that (Y/N) needed. In that very moment, she snatched the handle of her sword, which was flying towards her again, pulling it away from the arrow pattern.

A victorious grin spread across her face as she quickly took in a certain breath. "Sixth form. Whirlpool." she said underneath her breath, unleashing the attack. With a single swing of her sword, a spiral consisting of water was formed around the Demon, inflicting various injuries. "Tch. You're dirtying me with your filth! Go and die!" yelled the Demon, an arrow suddenly appearing underneath (Y/N).

However, she jumped up, avoiding it just in time. She grinned once more, saying: "I can just dodge. I'm faster than your arrows~" in a mocking tone, clearly annoying the Demon. While he was distracted by (Y/N), Nezuko came up from behind him, kicking at his legs. The impact made the Demon fall over, and (Y/N) took her chance, jumping at him.

Mere second before her sword made contact with his neck, an arrow appeared on her back, facing upwards. (Y/N) was being dragged into the sky, unable to do anything. Her eyes widened as her body was starting to move towards the ground at an alarming speed. She knew she had to do something. Glancing over at her partner, she had an idea. "Tanjiro, Nezuko! Stop!" she yelled out, making the Kamado siblings halt in their movements.

The second her feet made contact with the ground, her form vanished. "Ninth form. Splashing waterflow." was all that she muttered, the grin back on her face. This technique is ideal for her. It already allows the user to move limitlessly, and with (Y/N)'s speed, it was perfect. Being able to move extremely fast while dealing out blows at both of the Demon's simultaneously, all that without ever getting near one of the siblings.

Tanjiro watched her attack with sparkling eyes. He was barely able to spot her between her strikes, noticing that she would attack one of the Demon's, then immediately switch to the other. It was just amazing to him. He smiled lightly, actually feeling quite proud for his partner.

Stopping next to Tanjiro, (Y/N) was panting heavily. Her arm, the one that the handball Demon had attacked, hurt like hell. "T-Tanjiro, let's s-switch." she breathed out, letting her eyes fall upon the female Demon. The young boy hesitated. Should he really? The female Demon was clearly stronger physically, but the Blood Demon Art of the male Demon was way stronger. With the ability he got from Yushiro, Tanjiro was able to see the arrows, too.

He nodded his head, saying: "Alright!", dashing towards the arrow demon. While he fought him with Nezuko, (Y/N) lifted her sword, pointing it at the female Demon. "Ahahaha! I get to kill you myself now? How wonderful! Oh, and don't worry! I'll make sure to deliver those eyes of you without them being harmed~" called the Demon, throwing a ball at her.

(Y/N) dodged, running closer towards her. "I could do this all night!" exclaimed the Demon, laughing in joy. She was clearly enjoying the fight the two Demon Slayer put up. "Susamaru... Isn't that person over there the 'escapee' Tamayo? This is a nice welcoming present for us." noted the arrow Demon, smirking. "Is that so!" called the female Demon, throwing a ball towards Nezuko, who was trying to back (Y/N) up.

Nezuko proceeded to kick the ball, resulting in her leg to be shot off cleanly. "N-Nezuko!" called (Y/N), jumping in between her and the female Demon. Holding her sword up, (Y/N) was barely able to compete against the Demon's strength. "Nezuko, go to Tamayo-san." ordered (Y/N), being pushed back slightly.

Nezuko did what she was told, and Tamayo inspected her wound immediately. "Okay~ I'm done playing with you!" as soon as the handball Demon said that, her strength increased, shoving (Y/N) back. Poor (Y/N) could only try not to be tripped, having to concentrate on putting her all into her sword. She was doing well, considering that she was holding her sword with only one arm, since the other was badly injured.

But as luck happened to play against her, she tripped, and was kicked by the Demon lady. (Y/N)'s feminine body crashed into Tanjiro's. He was flung around by different arrows. "So happy, so happy. That was a nice kick. Yahaba. Can we bring their five heads back with us?" questioned the female Demon, raising one of her six arms to celebrate. "No. It's three. The Demon Slayer's and the escapee's. The remaining two are useless."

Finally landing on the ground again, Tanjiro had managed to help (Y/N) with her landing, by letting himself hit the ground first. (Y/N) was laying on top of him, quickly asking: "You okay?" Nodding his head, Tanjiro turned to face the arrow Demon, saying: "I got him now. Distract her for one more minute, please." (Y/N) nodded, a determined expression showing on her features. "We can do this." she said, standing back up, facing the handball Demon again.


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