~chapter thirty-seven~

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Hello everyone!

I just want to tell you that I'm back, and I can finally continue writing!

Oh, and thank you all for your support!! It really means a lot to me :)

(You can expect more than one chapter this week, btw ;))

Now, enough of my talk, and as always...



(Y/N) Pov:

I blinked a few times, asking: "Are you sure, Shinobu-san?" She nodded her head, that same, never ending smile gracing her lips. She said: "I am. Come on, I'll show you the way." I clearly hesitated, turning my head to look at the door to the room I shared with the others.

"Can I... Can I tell them where I'm going?" I hesitantly asked, looking back up at her. She closed her eyes, giving me a close-eyed smile, saying: "Sure, go ahead. But make it quick, okay?" Nodding, I thanked her, then went into the room.

"Hey, guys?" I asked, gaining their attention. I smiled sadly, saying: "Well, this is goodbye." All of their eyes widened, uhm, I'm not sure about Inosuke, but oh well. Zenitsu immediately jumped out of bed, clinging onto me.

"(Y/N)-chan! (Y/N)-chan! Don't leave me!" he yelled, causing me to smile a little. I patted his head, saying: "Thank you for your support, Zenitsu." He started crying, shaking his head. "Inosuke, mind helping me out with this?" I asked, chuckling softly.

He reluctantly got out of bed, prying poor Zenitsu off of me. "Thank you, too, Inosuke. For everything." I told him, being able to watch how some sort of bubbles appeared all around him.

"(Y/N)? Where... Where are you going?" asked Tanjiro from behind me, making me sigh lightly. This is gonna be the hardest part of it all. I turned to face him, a small smile on my lips. "Tanjiro..." I muttered out, hugging him tightly.

He returned it immediately, asking: "(Y/N), what's going on?" I closed my eyes, just enjoying his warmth. "I'm going to be trained by the flame Hashira." I stated, making all three of them gasp. "What? Why? I mean, that's a great opportunity! But..." said Tanjiro, avoiding eye contact.

I sighed lightly, cupping his face with both of my hands. "Listen, Tanjiro, this is not the last time we meet. I'm just there to train, okay? We can even write letters and send them back and forth with our crow."

I let out a light chuckle at the idea of the crow flying back and forth between the estates. "I'll definitely come back. And when I do, I'll be stronger. We all will be." I told him, leaning closer to kiss him.

"I really do love you, Tanjiro. But I have to go now." I said, stepping back. He stared at me for a few seconds, then smiled warmly, saying: "I promise you, that when we meet again, I'll be much stronger."

Nodding, I said: "I'll look forwards to it. Goodbye, guys." Before I left the room, I went over to Nezuko's box, patting it softly. "Goodbye, Nezuko. See you soon." With that, I left, waving at them one last time.

Shinobu-san was already waiting for me, asking: "Ready to go?" I nodded my head, saying: "Yes. Please take me to the flame Hashira." With that, she started to walk, and I followed close behind.

Time skip: two weeks later

Tanjiro Pov:

Training is still the same. I didn't improve at all. I was told that Kanao-san uses a special technique, the constant full concentration breathing. It's really hard to keep up all the time, but I feel like it's getting a bit easier every day.

Sighing, I leaned my head back, closing my eyes. I just miss (Y/N) so much... We haven't been separate this long in years. I wonder what she's doing now.

I looked over at our crow, who stood on the windowsill. She hasn't send any letters the past three days. She used to send them daily, writing what she was doing and how her training went. She's also learning the constant full concentration breathing.

Lightly dragging my fingers over the envelope of her letter, I let out another sigh. "Could you be depressed somewhere else? I'm trying to focus!" said Zenitsu, glaring at me. "Focus on what?" I asked, sitting back up.

Grinning, he pointed at himself, saying: "My precious (Y/N)-chan thanked me for my amazing support! I have to think of new ways to impress her!" "Cut it out already! She clearly doesn't like you in that way!" called Aoi-san, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

At that, Zenitsu perked up. "What did you say?" he asked in a low tone, his face showing no emotion at all. Zenitsu is scary at times... Aoi-san huffed, saying: "Isn't it obvious?" She then pointed at me, saying: "She loves him, idiot!"

Zenitsu's eyes widened as his glare shifted over to me. I shrieked, saying: "H-Hey, Zenitsu, calm down! Calm down!" "My precious (Y/N)-chan... She loves me, and me alone! She just doesn't know it yet!" he declared, smirking.

"You've got it all wrong! They're in love, you know! They even kiss!" countered Aoi-san. Deciding that I had enough of this, I stood up, silencing both of them. Zenitsu was about to say something, but I beat him to it.

"(Y/N) is my girlfriend. She said that she likes you, Zenitsu, but not in a romantic way." I said, watching as his glare turned into a bright smile. I furrowed my brows as he said: "My precious (Y/N)-chan said she liked me! Even if not romantically, she likes me!"

I lightly shook my head, leaving the room. I kept my head low, thinking about the new breathing technique I have to learn. I promised to become stronger. I promised (Y/N) to become much, much stronger. And I promised Sabito to keep (Y/N) safe for him.

I have to get stronger, or I'll be left behind. No, I can do this! I'm sure that (Y/N) is training hard right now, too, so I have to keep it together and push through! I sat onto the soft, green grass, taking in a certain breath.

Now I just have to concentrate to keep the total concentration breathing up. I just have to concentrate real hard. The faster I get stronger, the faster I can finally see her again.

I kept my eyes closed. My lungs felt like they would burst any second now, and everything just hurts. But I can do this. If I can keep this up a little longer... I had to release the technique, panting heavily. I failed. I failed again. But I'll try again right away! I took in a deep breath, concentrating once more.

"Why is this technique so hard to learn?!"


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