~chapter sixty-eight~

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3rd Person Pov:

Another fleet of obi were about to attack Uzui, who was currently occupied with Gyutaro. They were soon all pinned on one spot, Tanjiro using most of his strength to keep them there. (Y/N) quickly followed, using a fire breathing technique to cut through all of them at once.

Uzui glanced at them, a proud smile on his face. Even though these kids were as injured as they were, especially Tanjiro, they kept on pushing their boundaries. They kept on pushing and pushing themselves, willing to put everything on the line in order to defeat these Demons.

Tanjiro was starting to struggle, trying his best to dodge the new obi that were send his way. He was barely able to move at all, looking to the side. His partner nodded, having understood what he was implying.

So, she jumped onto his shoulders, pushing herself off of him in order to gain height. Within seconds, thanks to the Water Breathing, Sixth Form, Whirlpool, she was able to easily cut the obi into pieces once more.

Suddenly, someone new appeared. It was a woman, her hair tied into a high ponytail. She grit her teeth as she shot a bunch of kunai at Gyutaro, hoping to inflict as much damage as possible. Gyutaro stared at the kunai, jumping away from Uzui in order to deflect them.

"Now, Uzui-san!" called (Y/N), having deflected a few kunai with her sword, making sure that none of them hit the Hashira. He wasted not a single second and began spinning his swords around, ducking out of one of Gyutaro's attacks before easily slicing his legs off, causing the Demon to gasp.

Uzui's blades were laced with Wisteria extract, causing the wounds to heal much, much slower. And in that time, while Gyutaro was unable to move much, Tanjiro and (Y/N) both sped towards him, their weapons raised. Uzui did so, too, each of them aiming to decapitate the Demon.

"Man, that poison actually worked." stated Gyutaro, one of his legs regenerating. He then grinned, using his Blood Demon Art to attack all three of them at once. Gritting his teeth, Uzui pushed the two younger Demon Slayer back, reflecting most of the incoming slashes.

However, once the smoke cleared, Gyutaro was gone, much to their surprise. Well, except for (Y/N). She had seen it clearly. She saw where the Demon was headed. So, she lost no time, saying: "Uzui-san, get me up there!"

He looked at her, then realized what she was saying. Gyutaro was about to attack his wife. Without any other words spoken, he let (Y/N) jump onto his arms before pushing her up with all of his might.

She landed in front of Hinatsuru, just in time. "Run!" she called out, cutting one of the Demon's arms off. Hinatsuru hesitated. "Hinatsuru!" yelled Uzui, urging his wife to flee while he himself was fighting off the obi that Daki used to hinder him from helping out. After contemplating her options, she decided to obey, turning on her heels and running away.

Gyutaro, having regenerated his arm, sighed, trying to slice at the young Demon Slayer with his sickle. She dodged, taking in a certain breath. She concentrated, knowing fully well that this technique, the one she was about to use, was an extremely difficult one.

It was just as powerful as it was hard to master. But she needed to use it. The color of her sword changed from red into a beautiful, purple color as she chanted the right words in her head in order to concentrate on it even more.

Moon Breathing, Fourteenth Form, Catastrophe. She slashed the air at inhuman speed, creating lots and lots of crescent shaped slashed that moved around chaotically.

However, she misjudged her own capability. Her leg, which had previously been injured, gave up on her, causing her to fall onto her knees, the technique stopping abruptly. Panting heavily, she stared at the Demon, who had actually gotten quite the damage.

He showed her one of his many, chilly smiles, saying: "Man, you truly are as dangerous as he said. But not for much longer!" Gyutaro wasted no time, instead running at her with both of his sickles ready to kill her.

With wide, (e/c) eyes, (Y/N) couldn't do anything. She could do nothing but to stare at her inevitable end, internally screaming at herself to get a grip and move. But nothing happened. She couldn't even move a single finger. She had pushed her limits back countless times already, and her body finally couldn't take it anymore.

Tanjiro Pov:

"Stop!" yelled Uzui-san, causing me to snap out of my daze. I have to do something! I have to... Move! Move, move, move! Another death. Someone's going to die in front of me again. And this time, it's someone close to me.

Come on, get closer! Jump! Just get on the roof! I can't stand being this useless all the time! I don't have the time to think, either! If I don't do anything right now, (Y/N) will die! She'll die... She'll...

I took in a deep breath, my eyes wide open as I combined two techniques, one of the Hinokami Kagura, and one of the Water Breathing. Within mere seconds, I had managed to cut off both of the Demon's arms, while also grabbing (Y/N).

We landed a bit away from the Demon, my breathing heavy and uncontrollable. I had to cough quite a few times, trying to focus my sight that was getting blurrier and blurrier. It was then that I noticed the Demon right in front of me, ready to strike, leaving me no time to react at all.

Thankfully, (Y/N) got a hold on my Haori, pulling me back, out of the attacks way. Then, Uzui joined our sides, trying to cut the Demon's head off, yelling: "(L/N)! I'm in your debt!" She stood back up, her sword quickly moving to injure the Demon, too.

I decided to fall back, trying to catch my breath first. "There's no way in hell you guys are cutting off my head, man." said the Demon, having blocked both of their swords with his sickles. Uzui-san then tried to stab him with his second blade.

The Demon simply turned his head, biting onto the blade in order to stop it. "(L/N), brace yourself!" called Uzui-san, just a second before the Demon released quite the heavy attack, throwing himself and Uzui-san off the building.

"Uzui-san!" called (Y/N), about to jump after him. I got a hold on her uniform, pulling her to the side just in time to dodge the other Demon's obi. "Inosuke, Zenitsu!" I called, noticing them both. They were trying to cut the obi, but seemed greatly overwhelmed by it.

Inosuke yelled: "We're being forced to change our plans! We can't get to maggot girl at all! The four of us have to leave mantis Demon to the old guy!" Zenitsu added: "And this one's still weaker than sickle man! Let's get this girl first. Can you still move, (Y/N), Tanjiro?"

I answered: "I can! But Uzui-san got poisoned by the enemy, so he's in danger! We have to settle this as soon as we can!" Nodding, (Y/N) got up, saying: "Two minutes." "What? Are you talking in code or what?!" asked Inosuke. She shook her head, saying: "We'll defeat her in two minutes. After that, we'll help Uzui-san." "Roger!" "Alright!" "Let's do it, then!"


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