~chapter twenty-one~

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3rd Person Pov:

Tanjiro dodged Inosuke's attack, jumping back. With a few inhuman movements, Inosuke bend his body to attack Tanjiro even more, missing just barely. Tanjiro thought about Inosuke's fighting style, seeing it resemble a four-legged beast more than a human. Having a strategy against the strange boar man, Tanjiro decided to aim even lower than him, attempting to knock him off of his feet.

However, the super athletic boar man did a split, dodging Tanjiro's attack. Then, within the next movement, he had lifted his body from the ground by his hands, slamming poor Tanjiro into the ground with a powerful kick. Then, Inosuke jumped back, crossing his arms while pointing at himself with both of his thumbs, saying: "I'm awesome, right? I'm awesome, right?!"

While laughing, he slowly bend his back down, his head now on the ground behind his feet. He laughed again, saying: "I can even manage this position!" Tanjiro jumped up, saying: "Don't do that sort of position! You're going to cause problems for your bones! You better not do that or else your body will deteriorate!"

Charging at each other again, the boar man yelled: "Deteriorate is good! Nothing can be compared to that sudden thrill I felt just now!" "Think about your future!" yelled Tanjiro back. But he noticed that it wouldn't stop him, so he decided to go for one of his strongest attacks. A headbutt. "Calm down!" he yelled, watching as the boar man stumbled back after the impact.

Zenitsu, having super hearing, shrieked at the scene, screaming: "Uwaaah! This sound! Are their skulls still intact?!" Then, his brown eyes widened as he noticed the boar mask falling off of the male. Tanjiro just stood there, stunned at what he was seeing. "Woman?! Eh?! Face...!" was all that Zenitsu could say, not being able to comprehend the human in front of him.

"What did you say just now... Do you have any complaints about my face?!" asked Inosuke, his green eyes glaring at the two boys in front of him. With a face like that, he could very easily be taken for a girl. However, his body and his voice clearly belong to a male. But no one could ever expect such a pretty face underneath that boar mask of his.

Finally snapping out of his surprise, Tanjiro yelled: "I don't have any complaints about your face! Clean and neat, as well as showing faint redness within the white is pretty good, isn't it?!" "I'm going to kill you, you bastard! Bring it on if you've got the balls!" yelled Inosuke, his eyes now piercing Tanjiro's very soul.

"I can't, I'm too tired!" "Try your headbutt again!" "Not doing that! Just take a seat, are you okay?!" Ignoring all of what Tanjiro had just said, the boar man called: "Hey, wide-forehead! My name is Hashibira Inosuke! Remember that!" "How do you write your name?!" asked Tanjiro back, confusing Inosuke.

"Write?! Write... I don't know! It's written in my pants though-" He suddenly stopped in his movements, confusing everyone there. "He stopped..." noted Shoichi, watching as the man slowly fell over. Screaming, Zenitsu hid behind Teruko, yelling: "Uwah! He fell over! Is he dead? Is he dead?" "He's not dead. Probably just got a concussion. Because I used all my strength to ram him with my head..." explained Tanjiro. He then quickly went back to his partner's side, looking over her wounds. "You're so reckless, (Y/N)..." he muttered to himself, taking his Haori off to place it over her shoulders.

Time skip: a little while later

(Y/N) Pov:

I groaned, opening my eyes. Why does the sun have to shine so brightly? I looked down, seeing that I was still hugging Nezuko's box. Wait, still? Ah, now I remember. That boar man creature. I slowly stood up, noticing the Haori that was draped over my shoulders. My anger vanished in that very moment, and I couldn't help but to blush a little, smiling softly. You're so kind, Tanjiro.

A wave of pain shot through me, causing me to flinch. I nearly fell back, but managed to hold onto the nearest tree. Right, that Demon bit my ankle. That stuff happened, too. So much happened in a single night... No wonder I have a huge headache...

"(Y/N)-chan? Are you better?" asked a voice I didn't recognize at first. But when I did, I smiled a little, saying: "Yeah, I am. Thanks, Zenitsu." He blushed heavily, helping me walk over to the rest. There, I saw the three siblings, Tanjiro, and a stranger that was laying on the ground.

"Who-Who's that?" I asked, pointing at the person. Tanjiro put the stone he was holding down, answering: "That's Inosuke Hashibira. The boar man." It took me a second to process his words, but once I did, I almost fell backwards, if it wasn't for Zenitsu. "Th-Th-That's the boar man?!" I asked, louder than I intended to. No way! "B-But he looks so... so peaceful! So girly! I mean, look at those eyelashes! Are you sure that that's him?" 

"Yes." was all that Tanjiro said. "Anyways, how are you feeling?" I was slightly taken back by the sudden change of topic, but went with it. "I'm better, thanks. Still can't walk, though." Tanjiro looked down at my injured ankle, saying: "I'm sorry you got hurt." I quickly waved my hands in front of me, saying: "Oh, no, it wasn't your fault! Not at all! It was mine! I was too careless. That's why-"

A hand made its way onto my head, stopping me midsentence. "I'm just glad that you're alive." said Tanjiro, a bright, sincere smile on his face. A blush crept onto my cheeks as I returned his smile, not being able to say anything. Ba-dump, ba-dump. There it is again. That feeling I like so much. It's filling my whole body and mind with a really nice feeling.

The moment would've stayed this peaceful, if it wasn't for a certain black haired male to suddenly wake up from his beauty sleep. "Let's fight!" Zenitsu screamed: "He's awake! And he wants to fight already?!" I sighed, turning to face the beautiful face of that boar man. His beautiful, green eyes were fixed on my (e/c) ones as he said: "You're up! Get ready to fight, coward!"

I only sighed, then smiled kindly at him. He was obviously confused by my actions, but I continued: "My name is (Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N). It's nice to meet you, Inosuke." For a second, I could've sworn I saw some sort of bubbles flying around him as he stared at me with wide eyes. But they vanished as soon as he ignored me, turning to face Tanjiro and the three siblings. "What are you guys doing?!" "Burying the dead, of course." answered Tanjiro. Man, this Inosuke is nearly as loud as Zenitsu. I don't think I'll be able to put up with both of them for long...


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