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"This stupid stakeout is boring as fuck, Jungkook." Namjoon yawns, "Must we do it?"

"Look hyung, if we catch those bastards mugging people, we can bring it in front of the eyes of the public. Who would believe something like this happens near the richest neighborhood of Seoul? If someone gets mugged, I'll record it while you call the police, okay? Then later I'll put it on my YouTube channel." Jungkook says looking hopeful.

"Why do you even do this, Jungkook?" The elder asks him, "I mean your gaming and roast videos are top notch and you are quite popular. Why do you suddenly need to drop a video from time to time that unravels some dark stuff that too sometimes involving those rich and higher ups? You remember the last time when you did it, those goons were trying to trace JK and you had to stop uploading videos for a month."

"Look hyung, as long as I have you, I have nothing to worry about." Jungkook says with satisfaction in his voice, "You're like a computer wizard and its because of you that I'm still safe. Because of you, I know I can upload whatever the fuck I want and expose the bad people without getting exposed myself."

"But if you don't do all this and just focus on your gaming and roast videos, you'd be able to enjoy the fame you have properly. You don't have to hide behind a mask and a stage name. You can also do a face reveal then."

"My thoughts differ from you, hyung. I'm popular and influential. If I show something serious in my videos from time to time rather than just gaming or roasting, the concerned people will notice and maybe the situation would get better. Plus stopping now makes no sense. I have enough enemies already who will come at me once I do a face reveal. They wouldn't care less even if I stopped exposing people." Jungkook says self righteously.

"Oh Jungkook, what am I going to do with you?" Namjoon shakes his head while Jungkook makes a baby face and holds Namjoon's face in his hands before squealing, "Just stay by my side, hyungie. Jungkookie is safe with Joonie hyung and JK trusts you a lot."

"Shut up." Namjoon pushes the younger away as he feels embarrassed while the younger starts laughing.

"Stop acting like a fucking five year old, you idiot." Namjoon glares at the ravenette while the other male pretends to be scared before the both of them burst into laughter.

The duo sits in their car until it gets dark. Its been a while since they came here and they saw nothing. Namjoon even suggested that they should go back but Jungkook is adamant. He is sure that something like this happens around here because one of his fans had emailed him, telling him how he got mugged in this area. If the duo is lucky, they would probably catch the thugs red handed.

 If the duo is lucky, they would probably catch the thugs red handed

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Taehyung sighs as he finishes putting some clothes and other stuff in a bag. His parents have instructed him to go to his brother's house because they had to leave for a mission in some other country urgently. Neither he nor his parents know when they would be back so they asked him to go to their elder son's place. Taehyung happily agreed because why would he want to miss an opportunity to spend time with Jin?

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