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Here's the next update I promised you all. I published it within 12 hours of my previous update so please vote and comment. Happy reading!

Jungkook looks at Taehyung, who is staring at him and biting his lips. He wonders what the younger is up to but before he can even register, Taehyung completely turns towards him and holds his face in both his hands. Jungkook's eyes widen when he sees the younger leaning closer. Taehyung caresses his cheeks for a few seconds and then places his soft lips on Jungkook's slightly chapped ones.

For a moment, neither of them move and Jungkook wonders how did Taehyung suddenly get so bold. But he is not complaining though. The younger now starts moving his lips ever so gently. This is the first time Taehyung has initiated something and this makes Jungkook really happy. Taehyung feels proud of himself too.

Jungkook's one arm wraps around the younger's waist while the other holds his nape so that he could deepen the kiss. Taehyung sucks his lower lip and soon the gentle and soft kiss turns into a passionate and demanding one. Jungkook's hands run all over Taehyung back and his side while the younger curls his fingers into Jungkook's hair, pulling him closer. The both of them kiss each other hungrily, as if this is what they ever wanted.

Jungkook holds Taehyung by his waist and pulls him on his lap in such a way the the younger is now straddling him. As they run out of oxygen, they move away, breathing heavily but soon Jungkook dives in the younger's neck. He places gentle kisses all around his neck before sucking at those spots. Jungkook licks the area after sucking and that makes Taehyung moan, which by the way, is Jungkook's favorite sound.

Jungkook's hand goes under Taehyung's shirt. He caresses his stomach very gently because he doesn't want to hurt him more than he already is. Taehyung has never felt the way he is feeling right now. The pleasure is so much that he thinks he might pass out. He holds Jungkook's shoulder for support. He feels Jungkook's hand moving up his chest, touching his nipples.

"Aah... K-Kookie..." Taehyung moans. Jungkook smirks. He likes having Taehyung under his spell like this. Jungkook sucks his neck again, painting it with hickies. Taehyung can't control his urges anymore. He holds Jungkook's face and brings it closer to his own. He quickly captures his lips and starts kissing him again.

The ravenette shudders under his touch. He has never felt this way with anyone before. Taehyung sure is different and with Taehyung all this has a way deeper meaning. Jungkook holds Taehyung's hips and pulls him closer so that they are in a more comfortable position. But this little act makes both their members brush against each other's.

Taehyung gasps. An unknown feeling of pleasure runs through his body while the ravenette realizes how hard the both of them are. He looks at Taehyung who is now staring at him, "I-I'm sorry, Taehyung. I didn't mean to-"

"Can you do that again?" Taehyung interrupts him.


"T-That thing that you did before. It felt g-good. Can you do it again?" Jungkook almost loses his mind when he hears those words from Taehyung. He is so turned on by those words.

"Are you sure, Tae?" He asks cupping Taehyung's face. When Taehyung nods, Jungkook smiles at him, "Okay." he whispers.

The ravenette then flips them around such that Taehyung is lying under him and he is hovering over him. He intertwines both their hands together and lowers his body. He starts kissing Taehyung again but the younger seems very impatient. He raises his body up to get in contact with the ravenette's. He gasps when their clothed members touch again.

"Getting impatient now, are we?" Jungkook smirks and pulls away. Taehyung whines at the sudden loss of contact.

"J-Jungkook p-please." Taehyung whimpers. He doesn't know what's happening to him. He just knows that the ravenette is making him feel good. He is making him feel emotions that he has never felt before. Is it perhaps because he loves the ravenette? Maybe it is.

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