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Jungkook walks out of the broadcasting room, his hands stuffed in his pocket

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Jungkook walks out of the broadcasting room, his hands stuffed in his pocket. He sighs wondering how much of a work load he has lately. The university fest is round the corner and because of that, the broadcasting club is really busy. Jungkook, being the head of the broadcasting club, has to stay back at the university. Because of this, he gets less time to devote to his channel. He is really frustrated these days.

"H-Hyung!" He hears Jimin's voice and turns around to see him trailing behind him.

He sighs deeply, "Why are you following me, Chim?"

"T-Thank you." He says with a sad smile.

"What are you thanking me for?"

"Thanks for visiting my mom, hyung. Because of my test, I couldn't visit her. The doctor wanted someone to be there while they checked her up and you went instead of me. I'm so thankful." The pink haired boy says while the ravenette just stares at him.

"You don't need to thank me, Chim. Just buy whatever is there on the list that Hobi hyung gave you and go meet your mom. She misses you so much and she really wants to have whatever is on the list. She wants you to visit her soon and have a meal together with her." Jungkook says with a small smile.

"Yeah, I'll go." Jimin says.

"Good." Jungkook pats the younger's shoulder and starts walking. Jimin follows him again, "Hyung!"

"Hey Jimin, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me hyung in college?" Jungkook asks with a serious expression on his face.

"S-Sorry, I t-thought it would be o-okay since we are al-alone." The pink haired boy says as he plays with his fingers nervously.

"Stop stuttering. You can't call me hyung in college." Jungkook says sternly.

"But why?"

"It's not like I'm your brother or anything. Why bother, Jimin?" The ravenette's words hurt the boy. Jimin genuinely likes Jungkook, not in a romantic kind of a way but like a brother. He wishes Jungkook was his own brother.

"But you have done a lot for me."

"I know. So the least you could do for me is to stop hanging out with that Baekhyun guy." Jungkook shrugs.

"O-okay." Jimin says. Yes, the least he could do is listen to what Jungkook says. Most of the time he's right anyway so there's no reason to not listen to him. He will have to talk to Taehyung though because Baekhyun and Taehyung are friends.

"Okay you should go now. Your mom must be waiting." Jungkook says. Jimin nods and walks away from there after saying 'goodbye'. Jungkook looks at his retreating back with sad eyes.

He doesn't deserve this.

Almost an hour later, Jungkook decides to go to his studio. He really needs to upload some content on his channel. But since he didn't have enough time to work on anything earlier, he wonders if he should just do a live video and interact with his fans. Yeah, that's an easy thing to do.

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