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"Hyung~" Taehyung stomps his foot in front of Jin who is currently seated on the couch and going through his script. He is too busy with his work and not paying attention to his brother which is making the younger feel ignored.

"I think I should have gone on the trip with mom and dad." Taehyung huffs but this sentence makes his brother finally look at him.

"Mom and dad did not go on some exciting camping trip. That kind of trips are not something you'd want to go to." Jin says.

"So listen to me, hyung. Are you already bored of me? Am I a bother to you?" He asks with a pout and Jin widens his eyes.

"Definitely not and never say that. Do you understand? Never." The older boy says strictly. Taehyung smiles at his tone. The feeling of being loved and wanted embraces him again.

"Then listen to what I have to say. I know you're busy right now but I won't take much of your time." He says and Jin gives all his attention to his brother.

"Okay, tell me."

Taehyung walks closer to his brother and holds his hand before pulling him towards his room. Although Jin is quite surprised by his behavior but he is also curious to know what the younger is planning to do.

Once they enter the room, Jin sees so many clothes on display on the younger's bed. He looks at his brother questioningly so Taehyung says, "Jimin and I are... uh, going to a p-party. I needed your help in deciding what I should wear since I'm not very good at selecting outfits."

Jin looks at his brother wondering since when did he start attending parties but then he thinks that its good for him anyway as he needs to enjoy his life more. Moreover its Saturday today and Taehyung should spend time having fun with his friend instead of just sitting at home.

"So where's the party at?" Jin asks nonchalantly shuffling through the clothes.

"Jimin's house." Taehyung says. He doesn't want to lie but if he tells Jin that he is going to the same place as his brother, Jin would act overprotective again and would start doing things that would make the younger more comfortable according to him. He really wants to go there with Jimin without any disturbance and enjoy the show just like any other person without any special privileges. He is excited to see Jin, JK, Yoongi and other artists. He hasn't ever been to an event like this and he doesn't want to spoil the fun.

After a good two minutes, Jin picks up an outfit for his brother, "Wear this denim jacket and jeans. It would look great on you and yeah... wear this black turtleneck t-shirt under the jacket."

Taehyung looks at the clothes Jin selected for him and he likes his choice. "I think this will look good. Thanks, hyung." Taehyung says taking the outfit back.

"You don't need to thank me. I'll do anything for my baby bro." Jin coos and the younger pouts, "I'm not a baby."

"Look at your face. I'm sure you'd change your statement pretty soon." Jin laughs and the two boys spend some more time together before Jin finally leaves.

After a few hours, Taehyung decides to get ready. He takes a quick shower and slips into his clothes. He stares at himself in the mirror and he likes the attire a lot. Hyung sure knows a lot about fashion stuff.

He then applies a little makeup on his face. This is something he has learnt by observing his brother and then trying out himself but this is his first time wearing the makeup outside home. He is a little nervous about that.

Do I look okay? I hope I don't look like a clown who tried makeup without knowing much about it. Taehyung is worried and he needs assurance. So he pulls out his phone and clicks a selca. He sends the picture to Jin.

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