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An update again? Well I'm in a good mood so here's your present. Enjoy my lovely people and tell me your views about it.

"Taehyung! Taehyung!" Jungkook takes the younger's head in his arms and puts it on his chest. He shakes him gently, trying to wake him up. When Jungkook walked towards the parking lot, he heard voices of some guys shouting. When he walked closer, he heard a whimpering sound that he knew was Taehyung's.

As soon as he saw Taehyung lying on the floor and some bastard trying to choke him, his blood boiled. How dare they touch his Taehyung? He cannot allow anyone to touch him in such a disgusting way. So he ran towards them and quickly freed the younger from the unknown boy's hold. The boys tried to resist but they were too drunk to put a fight against Jungkook, who is too good at fighting.

The boys obviously knew better than messing with Jeon Jungkook in this state so they ran away. Now Jungkook has Taehyung in his arms, he tries to wake him up but gets no response. He is scared. He doesn't know what to do. He quickly tries to check his breathing and sighs in relief when he sees that he is indeed breathing fine now. It's shallow but fine.

Jungkook puts his one arm under Taehyung's thighs while the other supports his back. He stands up with the younger in his arms, his head resting on his chest. Jungkook walks towards his car, staring at Taehyung all the time.

The younger's tear stained face makes him feel guilty. He wishes that he hung up on his asshole of a father sooner and came to Taehyung. He knows that he needed him. Only if he came earlier, Taehyung wouldn't have been beaten up.

But Jungkook knows it's not the time to feel guilty. It's time to take care of Taehyung and help him. So he manages to open the door of the passenger seat of his car and gently places Taehyung. He then reclines the seat backwards and secures the seatbelt around him. Taehyung whimpers. Jungkook looks at his face worriedly. He cups his cheeks and bends closer to his face, "You'll be okay, Taehyung. I'll make sure of it." He whispers and kisses his forehead.

Jungkook then walks over to the other side of the car and gets in the driver's seat. He then carefully checks Taehyung's body. He needs to see if they need to go to the hospital or not. But his body doesn't seem to be in a bad shape so Jungkook decides that he can take care of it himself. Well, he has done that for himself a lot in the past years and you could say that he is experienced.

The ravenette turns the ignition on and starts driving. A few minutes pass and suddenly there's lightning seen which is followed by the sound of thunder. The wind blows fast and Jungkook can easily make out that there is going to be a storm soon.

How did I forget to check the weather forecast? We should have got out of the university earlier. He says to himself. Heavy downpour starts soon after and the weather is really bad. He hears Taehyung whimper again. When he looks at him, he doesn't fail to notice the scared look on his face. But anyway he is glad that Taehyung at least woke up.

Jungkook knows that he shouldn't be driving in such a bad weather and both his and Taehyung's house is far away from this area. He doesn't know what to do until he gets the idea of driving to his studio, which is nearby.

"It's okay, Taehyung, you'll be fine. Just listen to me. Stay with me, yeah?" Jungkook says and places his hand on Taehyung's thigh. He wants to comfort him in any way possible. He remembers what Jin had told him when Taehyung had a panic attack. He had said that it was because of the thunder and storm.

So Jungkook keeps talking to Taehyung, trying to distract him. He doesn't want the younger to slip away in darkness again. "Just keep looking at me, okay baby?" He says, his voice so soft and gentle as if he is talking to a child. Taehyung nods and his eyes focus only on Jungkook's driving figure while his ears focus on the ravenette's words.

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