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Happy 8th BTS Anniversary ya'll!!!

How many BTS anniversaries has it been since you became a part of this beautiful fandom?

"Kookie, go f-faster!" Taehyung screams as he tries not to close his eyes due to excessive pleasure. Jungkook slams into him harder. It seems like he is in no mood to spare Taehyung today. "Hyung, you're too slow. C-Can't even fuck me right." Taehyung teases and the last string of Jungkook's self control breaks.

He grabs Taehyung's both hands and pins it over his head. He starts abusing his prostate dead on, making Taehyung cry out in desperation. "I can't fuck you right, huh? Let me show you what I can do, princess." The ravenette groans.

The thrusts become stronger and firmer. Taehyung screams, his eyes start filling up with tears because of how good it feels. Jungkook is holding his hand and he desperately wants to touch the ravenette.

"Please Kookie, w-wanna touch you." He whines but Jungkook just pulls out. Taehyung starts whimpering at the sudden feeling of emptiness but before he can even register, he is turned around. "On all fours, baby." Jungkook's voice orders him. He immediately complies and once he is in the position, Jungkook pushes himself inside him again.

"You didn't do a very good job by wearing such tight clothes, my love. You brought this upon yourself." Jungkook says thrusting at an animalistic pace.

"B-But I don't regret it." Taehyung manages to say.

"I'm glad." Jungkook slams again. He fists Taehyung's hair in his hand and brings his face closer to himself. He dives in his neck and starts licking the junction of his neck and shoulder. He kisses the area and then starts sucking hard, adamant on giving some prominent hickies.

"Do you know how many fans of yours imagine doing things with you? Just look at the comments of some hard stans." Jungkook says, his hand moving closer to Taehyung's chest and pinching his erect buds. Taehyung moans his name loudly again and again which encourages Jungkook even more.

"But I-I would only ever do things like these with you, K-Kookie. Because you are the one t-that I love." The thrusts make it hard for Taehyung to speak but he somehow manages. He can feel himself getting closer to his much needed release.

"You're saying you don't love your fans, baby?"

"No, I love them. But I'm n-not in love w-with them. I'm in love with you, J-Jungkook-aaahhhh!" Taehyung screams when the ravenette's hand grabs hold of his member. He starts stroking it and rubs his thumb over the tip.

"Aaahhh... Kookie... feels so good. I'm... I'm close." The younger mumbles. Jungkook dips his thumb in his slit and starts pumping him faster. In a matter of just few minutes, Taehyung cums on the bed and in Jungkook's hand.

Taehyung starts feeling weak as soon as he gets off his high so the older holds his hips and thrusts fast to reach his own climax. Soon he cums inside Taehyung too. The younger falls on the bed and the ravenette on top of him. The both of them stay like that for a few minutes to catch their breaths. Jungkook then pulls out of him and decides to carry him to the bathroom before the younger falls asleep.

"Thank you, Kookie." Taehyung says lazily as he is placed on the bathroom counter.

"For what, baby?" The ravenette asks as he slowly runs his hand through the others hair.

"For everything. For coming in my life and bringing hope and positivity, for always believing in me and being there for me, for loving me and... for fucking me so good." Taehyung whispers the last part in his ear and sucks his earlobe, making sure that Jungkook has hickies on display too and not just him.

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