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"I'm back, guys." Taehyung announces, entering the broadcasting room with a big smile on his face. It's been a week since he got hurt and after coming to university that day when he had to talk to Jimin, he didn't attend the university for a whole week. It's because he wasn't being careful and kept on hurting himself more. So his mom, being a doctor that she is, kind of house arrested him. He was stuck at home for a whole week but it wasn't bad at all. He binge watched 'The Vampire Diaries' and had a good time with his mom. She taught him baking too and now it's one of his favorite hobbies.

But now that his parents left for their mission, which is in some other country, he went back to his brother's house. He decided to go back to university too because he has missed a lot on studies. He also missed Jimin, Baekhyun, the members of the broadcasting club and Jungkook.

He didn't get to meet Jungkook for a week and he really missed him a lot. Sure, they did text each other frequently but that wasn't enough for the both of them. But since they didn't want to seem desperate in front of each other, they tried to play it cool.

So after a week, Taehyung is back to the  university. His ankle has almost healed too and he is very excited to see Jungkook and others.

"Hey, Taehyung! How's your ankle?" Yerin asks him with a smile.

"Almost okay. Thanks for asking." Taehyung smiles. He looks around and sees Soobin and Jaehyun who look equally happy at seeing him. His eyes wander off to find Jungkook but he is not in the room.

"Where's Jungkook?" He asks, trying to sound casual.

"He went to talk to Min Yoongi. The authorities want him to perform at the university fest as this is a charity event basically and if he performs, it would benefit us a lot and we can in turn use it to help the needy people." Soobin says.

"Oh, so do you guys think he would agree? I mean, he is the Min Yoongi." Jaehyun says.

"But he didn't agree last year because he was busy. We can only hope that he would agree this time." Yerin says.

"I'm sure he would." Taehyung says under his breath, remembering his talk with his Yoongi hyung who looked excited when he got to know that Jimin is going to participate in the event too. Taehyung is suspicious that maybe Yoongi likes his best friend and if that suspicion comes true, he would be more then happy because he knows how much Jimin likes Yoongi.

"Here's the script for today's broadcast, Taehyung. Check it out." Jaehyun hands him the script and after half an hour, Taehyung is inside the recording room, talking to the whole university as 'V' while Jungkook sits outside the room, in front of the glass wall, staring at the adorable, blonde boy.

"You were almost late, Jungkook." Taehyung says as he exits the recording room after they go off air.

"I got late because of Yoongi." He replies with a sigh.

"Did he decline again?" Soobin asks.

"No, he didn't. But we had to convince his manager who in turn had to convince his agency. He said he would perform but he would be signing some documents first. The authorities will take care of that." Jungkook says closing his eyes. Its afternoon and he is already tired. Being a university student and also a popular Youtuber is tiring.

"It's good that he agreed. We have one thing less to worry about." Yerin says.

"Right. I'll be leaving now. I have to work on my assignment that is due for tomorrow." Jaehyun says as he grabs his bag and leaves the room after bidding his goodbyes. Taehyung glances at the clock in the room. It's been so long since he last ate and now he is hungry. He had to skip lunch in order to catch with his work.

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