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"So you heard it all, huh?"

To say Taehyung is scared is an understatement. He is absolutely terrified. The anger he sees in his best friend's eyes at the moment is something he never wants to see in his life ever again. An angry look doesn't go with Jimin's bubbly personality.

"I-I'm sorry." Is all Taehyung can say but he doesn't know what he is apologizing for exactly? Is it because he eavesdropped? Or is it just because he wants to calm Jimin down somehow?

"What are you apologizing for? It's not you who is dealing with drugs. It's me. Stop apologizing for something you haven't done." Jimin grits his teeth and tries hard to keep his voice low. Of course he didn't want his best friend or anyone else for that matter to find out about this but now that Taehyung knows, he still doesn't want him to apologize for something he hasn't done.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung stares at the ground.

"Now what the fuck are you apologizing for again?"

"I'm sorry for apologizing, okay?" Taehyung looks at him with a serious expression but Jimin can't help but crack a smile at his statement.

"I'm sorry you had to see this, Tae." Jimin says, his voice is soft now. He knows he has to control his anger when he is talking to Taehyung, specially when he is the one at fault.

"W-Why, Jimin?" Taehyung asks in mere two words. He cannot form a proper sentence because he is too shocked after whatever he witnessed.

"Can we please go somewhere else and talk about it?" Jimin asks and Taehyung nods. So almost half an hour later, they find themselves in Jimin's house.

Jimin is reluctant to talk to Taehyung about this but he knows he has to. He can't risk other people finding out about it and besides, Taehyung is his best friend and he deserves the truth. The both of them had promised each other that they won't keep any secrets from one another. So he will be honest, even though the truth is very ugly.

"So well... my mom, she comes from a very p-poor background." Jimin starts, "When she was thirteen, her parents... abandoned her because they couldn't take care of her anymore. M-My mother... she didn't know what to do. She was so h-helpless. She wandered on the streets, wondering if she could find a place to stay but then... she met a man."

Jimin's voice is very low, almost like a whisper. His eyes are filled with tears. Taehyung's heart breaks to see his friend like this. He holds his hands in both of his and squeezes them a little, trying to encourage him and give him strength.

"The man told her that he would give her a place to live if she could w-work for him. My mom was only thirteen and in d-desperate need of a place to stay. It was the winter season at that time. So she agreed. S-She didn't know what kind of work she'd be doing but when you are desperate and you have to fight to survive, you take everything you get, just in order to survive." Jimin sighs. Taehyung can actually understand this feeling. He had a hard time surviving the hell too, when he was thirteen years old.

"Initially the man took her to his house made her do all kinds of things like cleaning, cooking and doing the household work. If she made even a slightest mistake, he used to beat her up. When she turned fifteen, she was sent to... one of the p-prostitutions owned by that man. After that, her life was a hell in all the ways possible. So many men had forced her, she was asked to take pills and stuff so that she doesn't get p-pregnant. She realized that it was a gang that dealt with drugs and prostitutions. She wanted to get out of that place but she couldn't.

When she was eighteen, a man came one day. He was Jeon Sungje, Jungkook and m-my father. He did exactly what the other men did with her when he first met her. But then he started visiting her more and more and he fell in love with my mom. At least that's what my mom told me but I doubt that. He promised her that he would get her out of that hell but what my mom didn't know was that he was a married man who already had a son, Jungkook hyung.

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