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There is tension on the stage. The winner of the show will be announced any moment now and all the finalists are very nervous. Taehyung feels as if his heart would burst out of his chest. He gave his all during the performance and by the way the people reacted, he thinks that he did a pretty good job but Taeyong and Renjun sang pretty well too so he isn't very sure what the result would be.

"And the winner of Idol War 2021 is..." There's a long pause and a deafening silence. Taeyong and Renjun are holding hands while Taehyung's hands are clasped together in front of him. His eyes are closed tightly and he feels like he is about to pass out due to anxiety.

"V!" The host announces. The whole crowd bursts into cheers and sparkly, decorative material falls from the roof. The sky is full of beautiful fireworks. Taehyung looks around and smiles. He wasn't expecting this. He knew that there are chances that he could win but now that he has actually won, it seems surreal to him.

"Congratulations, V! You are the winner of Idol War. People have voted for you in masses and it seems like you have already got a strong fan following. You will be given a cash prize along with a contract with HYBE corporation." The host says. Taehyung is given a beautiful trophy and a check. Taeyong and Renjun also congratulate him and he tells them that they did really well too.

After the show ends, there is a small celebration party for Taehyung. All the contestants, the host and the staff attend it along with some people from HYBE. Taehyung is very happy. Yoongi joins him too and hugs him, happy that finally the person he wanted to win has won.

When the party gets over, an employee from HYBE tells him that he should visit the office two days later so that they can discuss and sign the contract. Taehyung agrees and when he is done thanking everyone for joining the party, he decides to leave.

Jungkook had already texted him that he would pick him up so he waited for the ravenette. In the meantime, he texts Seokjin and tells him about his win. Seokjin has gone out of Korea for shooting and even though he wanted to be there and cheer for Taehyung in grand finale, he couldn't. But Taehyung's parents and his brother are really happy and proud of him and that means the world to the younger.

Soon a black car comes to stop in front of him. Taehyung immediately recognizes that the car is Jungkook's. He quickly gets inside and puts the seatbelt on. He then takes his mask off and looks at his boyfriend, a smile never leaving his face.

"Aww... my baby is famous now. Look at you wearing a mask." Jungkook laughs. Taehyung pouts, "You're still more popular than me, Kookie and I'm so proud of you."

Jungkook looks at him with a smile and leans closer to his lips. "Congratulations, Taehyung." He says and places his lips on the younger's. They kiss each other gently and softly. Jungkook's hand draws patterns on the younger's nape while Taehyung decides to put his hand under the other's shirt.

Taehyung sucks the ravenette's lower lips and even nibbles at them, making him groan. His hand moves up to his chest and he starts playing with his nipples. That's when Jungkook snaps back to reality and moves back a little.

Taehyung looks at him with a confused expression but Jungkook tells him that they need to stop before both of them get hard because they still have to meet their friends who have organized a get together to celebrate Taehyung's win. The younger nods and they start driving towards their destination.

"Taehyung, I can't tell you how proud you made me today, baby. I'm so happy for you. I can't believe that my boyfriend is going to be a world famous singer soon." Jungkook says excitedly. It seems like their roles have been switched. This time Jungkook sounds like a fanboy and not the younger. Taehyung laughs at that and says, "I don't know about being world famous but I sure will be a singer. Thanks for inspiring me, hyung. Thanks for encouraging me six years ago and thanks for motivating me even now."

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