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tae.hyung.kim: look who is back to black y'all

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"You cannot just drop bombs after bombs on Instagram like that, Taehyung. I wasn't ready." Jungkook says dramatically, holding his head. It's been ten days since Taehyung first posted on Instagram. He already posted three more pictures after that and it's safe to say that if Taehyung wasn't popular earlier, he definitely is now. Partly because he looks good and more than half the female population and some male population have a crush on him, but also because he and Jungkook are very close.

They spend a lot of time together now and they enjoy every single second of it. There are people who are jealous of them. People who liked Jungkook don't like seeing him with Taehyung and people who like Taehyung don't like seeing him with Jungkook. But then there are some people who like them together. They have often heard people saying, 'If I can't marry one of them, I'll be happy if they marry each other.'

Those words always manage to make Taehyung blush and even the very confident Jungkook cannot help but feel shy. According to Jimin, they would be the power couple of the university and Jungkook and Taehyung always roll their eyes when Jimin says that and ask him to shut up.

Everything is going on smoothly these days. Everyone has been busy with the university fest that is starting tomorrow. Taehyung is nervous but also oddly excited about it. He knows he has Jungkook and the members of the broadcasting club to support him throughout. He knows Yoongi, Jimin and Baekhyun would be so happy seeing him hosting such a big event but since this event is so big and prestigious, he is scared. He doesn't want to mess things up.

On the other hand, Jimin and Yoongi have kind of gotten closer. Both of them keep finding excuses to meet each other in the university. Yoongi even asked Jimin to go with him for lunch to which the pink haired boy easily agreed because why not? He is convinced that he likes Yoongi, a lot more than just a fanboy.

Namjoon and Seokjin went out on a date too. They just clicked together so Jin decided that he would give Namjoon and them a chance. Everything is so calm and peaceful.

But it's always peaceful before storms too.

"Come on, Jungkook. Didn't you like my surprise?" Taehyung pouts. Jungkook had woken up to a super cute picture of Taehyung that he had posted in the morning. He had lost his mind when he saw that Taehyung dyed his hair black.

"More like a heart attack?" Jungkook laughs as he ruffles Taehyung's newly dyed black hair but the latter slaps his hand away.

"Shut up! Black is my natural hair color and I'm so happy to have it back."

"Hair color doesn't matter, Taehyung. You look pretty, no matter what." Jungkook says truthfully.

"You mean hot?"

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