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Third Butter card😌Did you guys pre-save 'Butter' or not?

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Third Butter card😌
Did you guys pre-save 'Butter' or not?

A few days pass after the fest and Taehyung is having the time of his life. The reasons are pretty obvious. He has such amazing friends who make his days happier. The guy he likes, likes him back and cares a lot for him. There are so many times when Taehyung just feels like telling him that he loves him. But he is scared. He cannot just confess to him. What if he makes the ravenette uncomfortable? Or what if this is just a fling for the other boy and he doesn't feel the same way about Taehyung?

Right now, Taehyung is going through his phone's gallery. He sees the pictures they clicked on the last day of the fest. He remembers when all of them went to Jimin's place. Yoongi had taken Jimin with him in his car while Hoseok went with Jungkook and Taehyung. Namjoon said he had to pick Seokjin from somewhere because the actor didn't know the exact location and he didn't want to be followed.

The get together was really fun although when Namjoon brought Seokjin, the person who was shocked the most was Taehyung. He did not expect his brother to have an eye for Jungkook's best friend. Yes, he had thought about that but this coincidence was like the last thing he had imagined. He wasn't expecting Namjoon to personally know JK, let alone work for him. But that's what Namjoon said and Taehyung can't help but feel jealous. He wants to meet JK at least once in life but he couldn't bring himself to tell Namjoon to introduce him. Maybe his brother is his only hope.

They drank that night and played truth and dare too. Well, mostly dare. They started off with normal dares like walking on your hands, do a backflip and stuff but then as they got a little bit tipsy, the dares got bolder. Jungkook had dared Namjoon to kiss Seokjin but since the actor got shy, Namjoon had to settle with a peck on the cheeks. Hoseok dared Yoongi to give a hickey to Jimin and the rapper did. Seokjin and Taehyung were very surprised by this act and so was Jimin. Yoongi replied to them by saying, "I'm not losing a dare."

Jimin had dared Taehyung to sit on Jungkook's lap for the rest of the game. Jungkook was really happy about it but Taehyung was shy. When a specific song started playing in the background, Taehyung started bouncing on Jungkook and moving with the beats. That obviously gave the ravenette a hard time and it was difficult to control his urges. But he somehow did. He had to take care of his boner on his own even though he wanted Taehyung to do it. Now he couldn't force the younger, right? Specially when he was not in his senses and talking about Doraemon being his friend and how he can travel back in time. Jungkook made it a point to never let Taehyung drink more than he can handle because he is a lightweight.

It's Friday today, Taehyung just got back from the university and is relaxing now. After the fest, they are not very busy. All they have to do is study, handle the broadcasting club work and have a good time with their friends.

Well, Taehyung also got a few proposals lately and he doesn't know why people are even trying when they know how close he is to Jungkook. He feels bad about rejecting everyone because he wouldn't like it if someone who he likes (Jungkook) rejects him. But Jimin told him that he should do it so that the others could move on. His friend also told him that some people want to get to know him better because he is popular and that he should stay away from these kind of people.

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