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Taehyung looks at his brother's house in awe. He knows that Jin is a very popular actor not just in Korea but internationally as well. He knows that his brother is rich but looking at his lavish, well furnished house, Taehyung is just impressed. He has never seen a place as cool as this.

"So what do you think about my house, Taehyung?" Jin asks as he keeps Taehyung's bag on the couch. When Jin had picked Taehyung up earlier, the younger was too excited to see Jin's house. So when they reached the condominium complex, which is in Hannam the hills by the way, Taehyung had rushed out of the car excitedly leaving his bag inside which later was carried by his brother.

"This is amazing, hyung." Taehyung squeals happily, "You even have your own private swimming pool, a gym and a home theater."

"There's so much more here, Tae. Even a jacuzzi, a game room and a library too. Come I'll show you around." Jin says and Taehyung agrees immediately. The older is happy seeing his brother smiling.

After half an hour, both the brothers are seated in the living room. Taehyung is really happy. He wonders if his brother would let him stay here if he wanted even when his parents come back.

"I'll order some food. What do you want to eat, little bro?" Jin asks looking down at his phone.

"I'll have a barbecue chicken pizza with extra cheese." Someone says from the door. They look at the smiling person who is standing near the door.

"Yoongi, I swear to God if you scare me like that, I'll kick you out of my house. I didn't tell you my house's passcode so you could walk in any time you please." Jin says with a sour expression while Taehyung just stares at the new person.

Oh my God! It's Suga! Jin hyung knows Suga? Taehyung is very surprised. Yes he is not Suga's fanboy but he still likes him a lot. His music is really good and since he befriended Jimin, he hears his blabber everyday about Suga.

"You must be Taehyung, right?" Yoongi says as he walks over to Taehyung and sits beside him.

"Y-Yeah, how do you know?" Taehyung tries his best not to scream in excitement and call Jimin right away. After all Min Yoongi, a very popular rapper and music producer, is in his house. Well, his brother's house but he would like to assume it's his too till the time he is here.

"Well, you're my best friend's little brother. I have to know you." The rapper says.

"Right. My friend is your biggest fan by the way." Taehyung says happily.

"That's great." Yoongi says. He knows about Taehyung. His best friend had told him that and now even Yoongi wants the younger to be as comfortable with him as possible.

"So does your friend know that I'm your brother's best friend?"

"He doesn't even know my brother is the actor Kim Seokjin." Taehyung shrugs. Although he considers Jimin his friend, it doesn't change the fact that he has knows him just for a short while. It's just been a week and Taehyung is not ready to open up to him or anyone else about his life and family. Not like there is anyone else but whatever.

"Well, I think it's a good idea though." Yoongi says, "Just avoid attention and your college life would be peaceful. I'm enrolled in the same university by the way. I don't go there much though as I've taken an online course for music. I go there during exams or when we have assignments and I know this group of boys who are quite popular and they think no one is better than them."

"You're in my university? Really?" Taehyung feels relief wash over him. At least there would be someone else who he knows in college. Okay maybe Yoongi is not a regular student but it's still good.

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